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Choosing Nursing Review Centers


Selecting the best review center is like choosing the best answer in a board exam question. Almost all choices appear to be correct but only one is the best answer. So how exactly does one arrive at the best decision? Use the nursing process!

  • Listen to the presentation of each review center. Your school will normally schedule a date where review centers are given equal opportunities to make a sales pitch. Take down notes. Make a list of the good points of each review center. This will help you narrow down your choices.
  • Ask questions. Find out the track record of review centers as shown by their passing rate in past board examinations. Inquire as to the number of review hours and the kind of materials they use in their review. Scrutinize their roster of lecturers.
  • Visit the actual review site. The environment should be conducive for learning. Classroom size is important as well as the number of reviewees per class. The relationship of reviewees should be inversely proportional to the classroom size. This means bigger classrooms with fewer reviewees is better. Facilities such as library, audio-video equipment, and computers are major considerations too.
  • Examine the packages being offered by each review center and its corresponding costs.
  • Ask people you know about their experience with each review center.
  • Make a decision based on the information you have gathered. Your decision should be based on YOUR own review needs as assessed by you and NOT by the choice of your friends or anyone else.
  • Planning is key. Set review goals. Most review centers conduct diagnostic exams on the first few days of formal review to assess your areas of weakness. Use this as your gauge for evaluating the effectiveness of the review program you enrolled with.
  • Most review centers' review program are divided in phases. Find out if you can enlist for the first phase of review only. This is to avoid being tied up with the review center should you feel that the review program and approach is not effective for you.
  • This is mostly on you. Make sure you adhere to your review program and do your part. Learning is not one way. No review center will be good enough and a good review program will be ineffective and futile if you don't study.
  • When the first phase of the review is complete, most often than not, the review center will conduct post-test assessment. This will be a good indicator if the review program is effective. If you feel that you have done your part and yet the review program is insufficient, then try to venture into other review centers.
At the end of the day, it is NOT the review centers that will ensure your success in the board examination. It is your OWN perseverance, discipline, and hardwork that will determine your success in your quest to become a professional nurse endowed with knowledge, skills, and the right attitude.

In the meantime, happy holidays!

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Anonymous said...

i need help! i don't know which review center is best for me to have NCLEX review. can anyone of you suggest where i can enroll for such.. thanks! preferably somewhere in qc

Anonymous said...

i am hoping to take the local board exam for nursing this June 2008, pls help me in finding a review center at manila with corresponding review fee for the whole duration of the review and hopefully i will be able to have their telephone numbers for inquiry and booking purposes.i prefer to have my review at manila, though i lived here in agusan del norte, caraga region. thank you so much... God bless us all....

Anonymous said...

pls can somebody help me. what nursing review centers available within makati area. thanx

Anonymous said...

i tried to search for that "aim one" on line pero wala naman,.. how can i inquire,.. lalo na, i need to scout for a review center to enrol at d2 sa cabanatuan,.. baka naman you can giv some dtails where ^ how to contact them,.. Thanks!

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