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Guide in Applying for the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE)


In a post last month, Pinoy R.N. reported the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) announcement on their website about Canada's move to adopt a Provincial Nominee Program to facilitate the entry of immigrants to its labor force.

Canada's move was seen largely as a welcome development for filipino nurses looking for alternative foreign employment opportunities in the face of the current visa backlog in the United States.

The question in everyone's mind now is, "So, how do I become a nurse in Canada?"

This blogger did some reading and here's what I learned:

Requirements for Internationally Educated Nurses
1. To become a nurse in Canada, one must have a nursing degree that included theoretical and clinical experience in the areas of medicine, surgery, obstetrics (maternity), pediatrics (children's nursing), psychiatry (mental health), as well as gerontology and community health. (Some territories may require additional schooling)

2. The nursing degree must have been earned after a secondary education (high school).

3. The applicant must be proficient in both written and spoken English to ensure safe nursing practice.

4. The applicant must have a nursing license in good standing in the country where the nursing degree was earned.

5. The applicant must have worked as a nurse for at least 1125 hours in the last 5 years. (Not required in some territories)

Application Process for the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination (CRNE)
1. To write the CRNE and become registered in one of the provinces or territories in Canada, applicant must apply to the nursing regulatory body in that province or territory.

2. The regulatory body will provide the applicant with the application forms needed and will be informed about the application process. It will also advise the applicant of eligibility to take the CRNE and inform the same of upcoming CRNE dates in the relevant jurisdiction.

3. All authority to take the actual CRNE and become registered is given by the nursing regulatory bodies. Links to Canadian nursing regulatory bodies are found at

Just like in the United States, application processes and requirements may differ from province to province. Completing online nursing programs and receiving a degree may not be applicable in certain areas. So, be sure to visit the individual nursing regulatory body's website when applying to sit for the CRNE.

Canadian Licensing Authorities:
British Columbia -
New Brunswick -
Newfoundland and Labrador -
Northwest Territories and Nunavut -
Nova Scotia -
Prince Edward Island -
Saskatchewan -

(Thanks to Breech for article inputs and the list of links to individual licensing bodies.)


Unknown said...

Thanks. Very valuable info here.

Unknown said...

does anyone here have a reviewer for the CRNE? thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mahonri, have you applied already in canada? how long does it took u to be able to sit for the exam? tnx

Anonymous said...

The Canadian Employers were here last March where they hired 300+ nurses. It took only three months for the first group of nurses to be deployed

cookie3691 said...

Hi nurses for canada.Iam an ICU nurse I am interested to work in canada. Do you have any idea when will the canadian employers be hiring again?

Unknown said...

Hi Pinoy R.N. readers! I'm a registered nurse here in the philippines, I just want to ask if you have any idea in salary range of a staff nurse in Canada and how long is the contract, and also what are the requirements that I need to prepare. hope you can help me. thanks a lot! =)

swarovski said...

what is the province that doesnt required 1125 hours of nursing practice for the last 5 years? thanks!

Superman Rai said...

I have wasted money in applying for their evaluation, it cost me P8k just to have an answer that i need to be assessed on my competency and only in a hospital that they choose over there... for short, you need to go there and do OJT before they will determine if you are competent. they do not recognize our education here nor experience. Ive heard the same from another applicant.

happyness said...

hi, i have already received my eligibilty to take the CRNE exam. along with the CRNE application form, is my grad nurse license form. I would like to ask, how i'll pay the fees, since most of the banks here, only accept bank drafts in US dollars. also, can anybody help me on where I can buy a CRNE reviewer while I am still here in the Phil?

Anonymous said...

hi i live here in canada .. i studied in the phils as a nurse. i graduated there as well but never had taken the exams since i have to go back here and be with my family.

honestly speaking, i feel so brainless and so dummy and so so naive! getting back here without having my license there, uhm but not that dummy cause i have plans to go home and take the exams.

you need a license as a registered nurse from the country where you got your education. then you will have to get your stuffs be assessed, for sure you will have to take the upgrading course which will take you a couple of months but not a year, after which you will then be granted your oh so sweet! GN stage(graduate nurse) with that you have to gain some experience from their selected hospitals. that's the only time you are allowed to take their exams.

uh huh! isn't that great! just marvelous! it's like having your self sandwiched from head over heels! and yes before i forget, you guys should first pass the ielts/toefl etc. exams before you can attend their upgrading course.

graduate nurses from other countries are discredited.. you will have to do your nursing career over again.. so better get your brains for the exams and have your license before getting your butts here.. and yes! prepare your worshiped accounts..

better not waste your bucks from their assessments...nurses from the p.i are as good as pca's here. im not generalizing it though... who knows maybe you can snitch a knit..

and you get a starting of like 30-45$/hr it depends on what facility you are in..

others apply here as a PCA and when they're here they start their upgrade.
you cant take the exams here at the snap of your fingers ,nclex is way easier to go through dont mean to disappoint you people.. just presenting the reality.

Anonymous said...

hi i live here in canada. i studied there in the p.i as a nurse. i graduated there as well but never had a chance to take the exams since i went back home and be with my family

honestly and frankly speaking nurses from the p.i are as good as PCA's here, can you believe that! haha

you must sandwich yourselves head over heels. yes you can have your stuffs be assessed but dont get upset since almost every nurses from other countries should take their upgrading course based on the results of the assessment. after a couple months of studying (which is like re doing your nursing) you will be granted your oh! so sweet! GN status (graduate nurse) then will you be allowed to have you "ojt" but thats with pay! better than nothing ei! after completing your till hell freezes over hours of clinical experience from their selected hospitals here at canada, you will be then entitled to take their heavenly hard to reach exams.

youre right get your worshiped accounts ready!
dont waste your bucks on their assessments unless you are willing to do some gripping!

if you are a graduate nurse you should get your license from which country you studied. dont dare get your ass' here without having it or else you'll have to redo your nursing career not just redo! i mean they will send you back to freshmen! what the...!

they start 30-45CAN$ / hour , depending on the facility you are working with...

much luck to us all!

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