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Tips on Preparing for the Nurse Licensure Examination (Local Board)


  • Four (4) gruelling years of academic and clinical training
  • Five (5) Major Operation Scrubs, Five (5) Minor Operation Scrubs
  • Five (5) Delivery Room Handles, Five (5) Delivery Room Assists, Five (5) Cord Dresses
  • Countless Case Studies and Presentations
  • Countless Nursing Care Plans and Nursing Assessments
  • Countless Drug Studies and Defense
  • Hundreds of patients across the life span with varying needs

These are a few of the things every nursing student needs to complete before earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. However, being conferred with a BSN degree is not enough for one to be allowed to practice Nursing in the Philippines.

As provided in Article IV, Section 12 of Republic Act 9173 otherwise known as Philippine Nursing Act of 2002, all applicants for license to practice nursing shall be required to pass a written examination.

Like any other examination, a thorough preparation is imperative to ensure one's success in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination.

With the vast scope of nursing, one may get lost in the thick of preparations. Listed are a few of the important areas which should not be missed in reviewing for the local board examination.

Community Health Nursing. Get a copy of the book published by the Department of Health on Community Health Nursing in the Philippines. Most, if not all, of the community health nursing questions in the local board examination are culled from this book. Master the vaccination schedules, communicable diseases, community diagnosis, principles of home visit, and the bag technique.

Psychiatric Nursing. Brush up on therapeutic use of self (Therapeutic communication), defense/coping mechanisms, psychiatric drugs, and DSM IV.

Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Know by heart the concepts on Menstruation, Pregnancy and common pregnancy-related complications, Labor Process, Breastfeeding, Growth and development concepts by noted theorists.

Medical-Surgical Nursing. Review on the common diseases endemic to the Philippines. Know the patho-physiology, nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis and nursing management/responsibilities for each disease.

Nursing Ethics, Jurisprudence and Professional Adjustment. Get a copy of L. Venzon's book on Professional Nursing and the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 (R.A. 9173). Be familiar with laws that are related to and/or affect the practice of nursing in the Philippines.

It is also important to keep abreast with current events and general knowledge as questions on politics, religion, and sexuality have occassionally appeared in recent board examinations. A good way to do this is by reading newspapers as well as getting hold of copies of public speeches made by current and immediate past members of the regulatory board of nursing.

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Anonymous said...

The Board of Nursing will implement the new competency based test framework starting June 2006 Nurse Licensure Examination. It consists of five (5) parts organized as follows:

NURSING PRACTICE I - Theories, concepts, principles and processes basic to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion and health maintenance. It includes basic nursing skills in the care of clients across age groups in any setting. It encompasses the varied roles, functions and responsibilities of the professional nurse in varied health care settings.

NURSING PRACTICE II - Theories, concepts, principles and processes in the care of individuals, families, groups and communities to promote health and prevent illness, and alleviate pain and discomfort, utilizing the nursing process as framework. This includes care of high risk and at risk mothers, children and families during the various stages of the lifecycle.

NURSING PRACTICE III, IV AND V - Theories, concepts, principles and processes in the care of clients with altered health patterns, utilizing the nursing process and integrating the key areas of nursing competencies.

The tests draw basic knowledges, skills and attitudes in the major subject areas. The following areas of knowledge will be integrated in each of the above named tests: Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Nutrition and Diet Therapy and Microbiology.

In April 2001, the Board of Nursing developed the Core Competency Standards for Nursing Practice in the Philippines. This will embodies the skills, attitudes and competencies expected of a beginning professional nurse.

There are eleven (11) core competency areas for nursing practice that were identified which include the following:

01. Safe and Quality Nursing Care
02. Management of Resources and
03. Health Education
04. Legal Responsibility
05. Ethico-Moral Responsibility
06. Personal and Professional
07. Quality Improvement
08. Research
09. Record Management
10. Communication
11. Collaboration and Teamwork

The competency standards will serve as a unifying framework for nursing education, regulation and practice.

Anonymous said...

is the maglaya book any good for reviewing in CHN?

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