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Becoming a Nurse in New Zealand


Given the bleak employment outlook locally and the lingering visa retrogression in the United States, filipino registered nurses are now looking elsewhere for employment opportunities.

In this report by GMA News, New Zealand is reportedly looking to hire filipino nurses to tend to its aging populace.

So, how exactly does one become a nurse in New Zealand? This blogger did some reading and here's what I found:

Applicants for registration are required to provide evidence that:

  • they have an equivalent international nursing qualification

  • are competent to practise within their scope of practice

  • are fit for registration, which includes the ability to communicate effectively in English for the purpose of practising nursing.

All overseas applicants must also supply evidence of nursing practice hours for the past three years while registered as a nurse. This must be in written format and verified by their employers.

A comprehensive guide in applying for registration with the Nursing Council of New Zealand is provided in this GUIDE while the application form is available HERE.

Both files require Adobe Reader to open. Download Adobe Reader from this link.


Unknown said...

they forgot to mention that the NCNZ only accepts applicants that are graduate of a purely 4 year BSN degree. And the salary of 150k a month is not quite true. Its probably in the vicinity of 120k php a month gross then you still have to subtract the taxes.

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