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NCSBN Raises Passing Standard for NCLEX-RN Examination


The National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN) revealed that it has voted to raise the passing standard for the NCLEX-RN examination in an announcement released Monday.

Coinciding with the new NCLEX-RN test plan, the new passing standard will take effect April 1, 2007.

The new passing standard is -0.2100 logits on the NCLEX-RN logistic scale, 0.070 logits higher than the previous standard of -0.2800.

The NCSBN Board of Directors evaluates the passing standard for the NCLEX-RN examination every three years to protect the public by ensuring minimal competence for entry-level RNs.

Related News:
NCSBN Releases New NCLEX-RN Test Plan

Typhoon Delays Nursing Board Exam


Typhoon Reming (International codename: Durian) delayed the December 2006 Nurse Licensure Examination by three (3) hours as it left the Philippine area of responsibility Saturday.

The exam started at 11 am instead of 8 am as examiners had to wait for PRC representatives to get to Legazpi City, Albay whose earlier flight had been cancelled due to extreme weather conditions.

As a result, only tests 1 and 2 were administered by examiners, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) chair Leonor Rosero said.

Rosero assured tests 3, 4, and 5 will be administered tomorrow as scheduled.

UPDATE: December 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results will be posted at

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