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Pinoy Nurses to Get Equal Wages with Japanese Counterparts


The Japanese government is drafting a guideline creating a wage scheme for Filipino nurses and caregivers under the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) providing for a uniform wage equal to what Japanese nurses are currently receiving.

The guideline is intended to prevent Filipino healthcare providers from having to work under unfair labor conditions in Japanese hospitals and nursing homes.

Under the guideline, Filipino nurses and caregivers are prohibited from rendering home-care services as it would be difficult for the japanese government to monitor their working conditions.

Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) was signed in Helsinki, Finland by Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last September 2006.

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Nurse Licensure Examination Results - December 2006


In view of the calamity that hit the Bicol region during the conduct of the Nurse Licensure Examination last December, the Board of Nursing after due deliberation, decided to nullify the exam results of those who failed and are directed to retake the exam come June 2007.

June 2006 examinees from the Bicol region who retook the exam are similarly given opportunities to retake Tests III and V in the next licensing examination.

The Professional Regulation Commission released the December 2006 Nurse Licensure Examination 28 days after it was conducted nationwide. 19, 712 examinees passed the exam out of the 40,147 nursing graduates who took it last month.

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