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Oathtaking Schedule for Manila by School


The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing (PRC-BoN) has released the Oathtaking Schedule for New Nurses in Manila.

To facilitate an orderly ceremony, the oathtaking will be done by sessions based on the School's number of passers. The schedule is available below:
August 18 & 19 2009 Oath Taking Ceremony School Schedules

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PRC Registration for New Nurses (Manila Only)


The Professional Regulation Commission will begin accepting registrations for new nurses who passed in the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination on August 10, 2009.

To facilitate an orderly registration, successful examinees are advised to observe the following registration schedule:

PRC Registration for June 2009 Nurses in MANILA

Registration Instruction for New Nurses (June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Passers)


Those who will register are required to bring the following: duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal, current Community Tax Certificate (cedula), 2 pieces passport size picture (colored with white background and complete name tag), 1 piece 1” x 1” picture (colored with white background and complete name tag), 2 sets of metered documentary stamps, and 1 short brown envelope with name and profession; and to pay the Initial Registration Fee of P600 and Annual Registration Fee of P450 for 2009-2012. Successful examinees should personally register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The oathtaking ceremony of the successful examinees in the said examination in Manila as well as the previous ones who have not taken their Oath of Professional will be held before the Board on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 18 and 19, 2009, with morning (8:00 A.M.) and afternoon (1:00 P.M.) sessions at the SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City. All must come in their white gala uniform, nurses cap, white duty shoes, without earrings, hair not touching the collar and without corsage.

Oathtaking tickets for the National Capital Region (NCR) and nearby regions will be available at the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila, starting July 29, 2009, Wednesday.

All regional oathtaking schedules will be posted in the BON website and at Pinoy R.N.


Oathtaking Schedule


August 18 & 19


August 21


August 22


August 29


August 22


August 21


August 28


August 31


August 27

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 32, 617 out of 77, 901 passed the Nurse Licensure Examination given by the Board of Nursing in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tacloban, Tuguegarao, Sulu, Pagadian and Zamboanga last June 2009.

The members of the Board of Nursing are Carmencita M. Abaquin, Chairman; Leonila A. Faire, Betty F. Merritt, Perla G. Po, Marco Antonio C. Sto.Tomas, Yolanda C. Arugay and Amelia B. Rosales, Members.

The results of examination with respect to three (3) examinees were withheld as stated in Board Resolution dated July 24, 2009.

June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results -

Topnotchers in the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam

Top Performing Schools in the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam

The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing announces that 32,617 out of 77,901 nursing examinees successfully hurdled the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination.

Topping this year's licensure examination for nurses is Golda Manto Yap, a graduate of the Felipe R. Verallo Memorial Foundation, with a rating of 86.80 percent.

Click here for the complete list of passers.

In anticipation of the imminent release of the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results, the Board of Nursing has issued the following guidelines in the conduct of the oathtaking ceremony for new nurses:
BON Advisory: Oathtaking Instructions to June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Passers

The June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results, PRC registration schedule, nursing oath-taking and other updates related to the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination will be posted at Pinoy R.N. and at Ward Class the moment it becomes available.

Don't be left behind. Get all the latest updates only at Pinoy R.N. Submit your e-mail address below.

June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results & Other Updates

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The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that the deadline for the filing of applications in the November 29 and 30, 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination will be re-scheduled as follows:


Nursing board exam applications for first-time takers will be accepted and processed at designated school sites and at PRC regional offices. Repeaters are advised to file their applications directly at the PRC main office and at PRC regional offices.

To avoid delays and inconveniences in the filing of applications for the November 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination, all applicants are advised to file their application early and are likewise reminded to bring complete documentary requirements.

Related Article:
Step-by-step Guide in Applying for the Nursing Board Exam

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) will be phasing out the nursing (BSN) program of schools whose graduates continue to perform poorly in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination come 2013.

In a memorandum order (CMO 14 Series of 2009) published at the Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing (PRC- BoN) website, the Commission pointed out that the average national passing percentage in the Philippine Nurses Licensure Examination from 2004 to 2008 is 45.91%. Two thirds (2/3) of 45.91% or thirty percent (30%) will serve as the basis for the implementation of gradual phase-out.

In the initial implementation for the gradual phase out of under-performing nursing programs, nursing schools with a passing rate average of below 30% for a three-year period (SY 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013) in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination will be phased out beginning 2013 subject to the following guidelines:

  • The official results of the Nurse Licensure Examination from the Board of Nursing of the Professional Regulation Commission shall be the basis in phasing-out of nursing programs.
  • The performance of the school shall be based upon the average rating obtained within the schoolyear, namely ratings in the June and December examinations. If the school has only one examination undertaken in a year, this shall be considered the annual rating.
  • The average passing rate obtained by HEIs for the past three (3) years shall be the basis of phasing-out of the program.
  • The computation of the 30% shall only involve the ratings of the examinees who took the Nurse Licensure Examination for the first time.
The full text of CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) No. 14 Series of 2009 is available below.
CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) No. 14 Series of 2009 -

ALLGEN NCLEX Review's iPod Shuffle Giveaway



Here's a bit of good news for those planning to review for the NCLEX-RN.

In celebration of their 1st Anniversary, ALLGEN will be giving away free Apple iPod shuffles to everyone who enrolls to their August 6 NCLEX review class. ALLGEN says it's their way of celebrating a grateful year with the dedication and promise of a continuous quality review.

Promo period runs from July 13 to July 20, 2009.

For more information, call ALLGEN at (02) 567-2749 or 567-0641.

The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing (PRC - BoN) has published its partial schedule of oathtaking for new nurses.

As of July 28, the following areas have been given schedules:


Oathtaking Schedule


August 18 & 19


August 21


August 22


August 29


August 22


August 21


August 28


August 31


August 27

This development is good news for those waiting for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results as it indicates that the complete list of passers in the June 6 and 7, 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) is due to be released soon.

The June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results, PRC registration schedule, nursing oath-taking and other updates related to the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination will be posted at Pinoy R.N. and at Ward Class as it becomes available.

Don't be left behind. Get all the latest updates only at Pinoy R.N. Submit your e-mail address below.

June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Results & Other Updates

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Jobs for Nurses Ad


In May this year, United States Congressmen Robert Wexler (D-FL) and F. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) introduced the Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act (H.R. 2536).

The proposed legislation is very much similar in form and substance to last year's
H.R. 5924. If approved, up to 20,000 visas per year, over a three year period, will be available to qualified registered nurses and physical therapists.

Hammond Law Group recently reported on its immigration blog that the bill has gotten the support of the American Staffing Association (ASA).

Meanwhile, tracking website reports that the bill has been referred to the appropriate committee.

The Full Text of Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act (H.R. 2536) available below.

Click here to open H.R. 2536 in Full Screen.

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