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Peritoneal Dialysis Seminar for Nurses


Renal Nurses Association of the Philippines (RENAP) Cebu in cooperation with Fresenius Medical Care - Philippines invites all Registered Nurses to attend the training on "Peritoneal Dialysis with Return Demo" on November 14-15, 2009 (Saturday-Sunday) 8:00 - 5:00 PM at Function Hall, Mango Park Hotel, Maxilom Ave, Cebu City, Philippines.

Ms. Ela M. Orioste BSN, RN, MAN, CRNC of and support team from Fresenius Medical Care will be the resource speakers of the said training.

  • Onsite Registration Fee is 1,500 Php (inclusive of meals, snacks, 1 year membership to RENAP)
  • Pre-Reg for RENAP Members 1,000Php (inlcusive of meals, snacks and certificate)
  • Pre-Reg for Non-RENAP Members 1,300Php (inclusive of meals, snacks, certificate and 1 year membership to RENAP)
  • Pre-Registration Schedule is only until November 9,2009


For more information please contact any of the following persons:
Harby O. Abellanosa RN., CRN - (0919) 860-1490
Lady April L. Pana, RN. - (0929) 375-9148
Riz B. Ardina RN., CRN - (0919) 698-7863

[ Sent in by Harby Abellanosa, RN, CRN ]

SITE EXCLUSIVE: Get 15% discount when you buy your scrub top at Scrubs Gallery. Just enter coupon code, PINOYRN15 when you order. Coupon valid until November 15, 2009.

The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing (PRC-BoN) recently issued a memo amending its previous memo prescribing dress codes for examinees in the Nursing Board Exam.

In the new memo sent to PRC regional offices, Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) and to Presidents and Deans of Nursing Schools, Colleges, and Universities -- Examinees to the November 2009 Nursing Board Exam are advised observe the following dress code when taking the licensure examination on November 29 and 30, 2009:

Clinical uniform with white shoes and white stockings but without nameplate, school insignia / logo, and pin OR School Uniform.

White clinical scrubsuit

Clinical uniform with white shoes and white socks but without nameplate, school insignia / logo, and pin OR School Uniform.

The same memo also states that repeaters may wear white clinical scrubsuits. A copy of the PRC-BoN memo is available below.
Dress Code Memo - November 2009 Nursing Board Exam

For review tips and other updates on the November 2009 Nursing Board Exam, be sure to submit your e-mail address to our mailing list below.

November 2009 Nursing Board Exam Tips and Updates

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Nursing Job Fair in Davao


The Department of Labor and Employment Regional Office XI will be holding a job fair for nurses today at the NCCC Mall in Matina, Davao City as part of the celebration of the 52nd Nurses Week.

Nursing recruiters from Manila and Davao will be conducting interviews for approximately 1,000 healthcare job vacancies. Physical therapists and other allied medical professionals are also welcome to apply.

Nursing Seminar: Nursing Care of Kidney Transplant Patients


The Renal Nurses Association of the Philippines (RENAP) Cebu Chapter will be having a seminar entitled, "Nursing Care of Kidney Transplant Patients" on October 26, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Mango Park Hotel in Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City.

National Kidney and Transplant Institute's Eusebio Alvarado, RN MAN CRNC will be the guest speaker.

Registration - Php 500 (inclusive of snacks and certificate)
RENAP membership - Php 300 (1 year)
Accreditation exam - Php 550

Nurses who wish to attend the seminar are advised to pre-register by contacting the following people:

Harby O. Abellanosa, RN CRN » (0919) 860-1490
Lady April L. Pana, RN » (0929) 375-9148
Riz B. Ardina, RN CRN » (0919) 698-7863

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) reminds first-time examinees that the deadline in filing for application in the November 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination will be on October 16, 2009 (Friday).

Meanwhile, the Saudi Gazette reports that the PRC will be holding a special nurse licensure examination in Hong Kong in December for Filipinos living there.

For review tips and other updates on the
November 2009 Nursing Board Exam, be sure to submit your e-mail address to our mailing list below.

November 2009 Nursing Board Exam Tips and Updates

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