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Certain VisaScreen® Renewal Applicants Exempt from Re-Taking English Exam


VisaScreen® renewal applicants who can demonstrate employment in the United States in the health care profession that is designated on their International Commission on Healthcare Professions VisaScreen® certificate are exempt from taking another approved English exam for renewal of their VisaScreen® certificate provided that they meet the following criteria:

1. The period of employment must be for at least 27–36 months — including nine months of the year before the date an applicant submits the renewal application.

2. The employer of the applicant submits an employment summary on corporate letterhead with the appropriate signature.

A VisaScreen® certificate is required for health care professionals, including nurses, who are educated outside the United States under section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

PNA Seminars for the Month of March


Just a quick heads up to our fellow nurses out there.

If you are looking to improve your nursing skills, here are the nursing seminars lined up by the Committee on Continuing Education of the Philippine Nurses Association for this month.

March 12 » Patient Safety Goals: Focus on Patient Identifiers
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 15-17 » End of Life Nursing Education Consortium
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

March 19 » Care of the Premature Infants
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

March 22-25 » Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 4,000

March 26 » Acute Stroke
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300 Member
Php 350 Non-Member

Venue for all seminars listed, unless otherwise stated, is at the PNA Auditorium at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila

For further inquiries and confirmation, please contact Mr. Nicole at tel. nos. 4004430 / 5210937 loc. 1006

NOTE: Scheduled seminars are subject for cancellation without prior notice.

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