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Oathtaking and Registration Instructions for New Nurses


The Professional Regulation Commission reminds new nurses that they are required to bring the following when they register:

  • Duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal, 
  • Current Community Tax Certificate (cedula), 
  • 2 pieces passport size picture (colored with white background and complete name tag), 
  • 1 piece 1” x 1” picture (colored with white background and complete name tag), 
  • 2 sets of metered documentary stamps, and 
  • 1 short brown envelope with name and profession;

Initial Registration Fee of P600 and Annual Registration Fee of P450 for 2010-2013 will also be collected.

Successful examinees should personally register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The oathtaking ceremony of new nurses in Manila as well as the previous ones who have not taken their Oath of Professional will be held before the Board on Monday and Tuesday, September 20 and 21, 2010, with morning (8:00 A.M.) and afternoon (1:00 P.M.) sessions at the SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City. All must come in their white gala uniform, nurse’s cap, white duty shoes, without earrings, hair not touching the collar and without corsage .

Oathtaking tickets for the National Capital Region (NCR) and nearby regions will be available at the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila, from September 1 - 20, 2010 on a “first come first serve ” basis.

All regional oathtaking schedules will be posted in the BON website at and here at Pinoy R.N.

Hospitals to Nurse Volunteers: "Show Me the Money"



In light of the upcoming run that ALLGEN is sponsoring, we thought it appropriate to bring up the topic of volunteering.  

We all know that many nurses are offering their services as volunteers to hospitals and other health institutions.  The sad truth is that majority of these institutions require nurse "volunteers" to pay a fee in order to serve.  Note the use of quotation marks on the word volunteer.  By definition, the word volunteer imparts the idea of free will.  Merriam-Webster gives us the following descriptions.

As a noun:
1 : a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: as a : one who enters into military service voluntarily b (1) : one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest (2) : one who receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration

Nowhere in the definition can you see any mention of money. Monetary compensation is not the essence of volunteering. Why then are "volunteer" nurses in the Philippines asked to pay to render their services?

You may say that the intention of those nurses who volunteer are not that pure anyway. Some - if not many - nurses volunteer simply because they need the experience in order to get accepted to higher paying jobs outside of the country. But, did you know that if you render volunteer service while not a registered nurse, it won't be counted anyway?

That is beside the point, though, volunteerism ought to be a pure act. On the one hand, hospitals and health institutions accepting volunteer nurses ought to willingly accept the services of those who offer - without any thought for the additional income that can be had. On the other hand, nurses ought to willingly offer their services without making "experience for their resume" the primary objective. Isn't helping others without asking anything in return the spirit of nursing anyway?

What do you think about volunteering and volunteer fees? Do you have any personal experience? Do share them with us!

Top Performing Schools in the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam


Here are the individual school ratings of the Top Performing Schools in the July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination.

Top Performing Schools with 100 and More Examinees -

Top Performing Schools with 30-99 Examinees -

Top Performing Schools with Less Than 30 Examinees -

July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Topnotchers


The following examinees garnered the highest ratings in the July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination.

July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Topnotchers -

July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results


The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 37,679 out of 91,008 passed the Nurse Licensure Examination given by the Board of Nursing in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Dagupan, Davao, Iloilo, La Union, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Pampanga, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga last July 2010 .

July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination Results -

The members of the Board of Nursing are Carmencita M. Abaquin, Chairman; Leonila A. Faire, Betty F. Merritt, Perla G. Po, Marco Antonio C. Sto.Tomas (inhibited), Yolanda C. Arugay and Amelia B. Rosales (inhibited), Members.

The results of examination with respect to five (5) examinees were withheld pending final determination of their liabilities under the rules and regulations governing licensure examination.

NOTE: File may take a while to load due to increased demand and the volume of names listed. Please be patient as we are currently uploading an embedded version that is easier to access.

37,679 Out of 91,008 Pass July 2010 Nursing Board Exam


37,679 examinees out of 91, 008 passed the Nurse Licensure Examination that was given last July 3-4, 2010 by the Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Dagupan, Davao, Iloilo, La Union, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Pampanga, Tacloban, Tuguegarao, and Zamboanga.

Complete exam results along with board topnotchers and school ratings are being uploaded at Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class.

July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination Results -

September 2010 Visa Bulletin Shows 6-Month Jump in Priority Dates for Filipino Nurses



The visa bulletin for September 2010 has been released by the Department of State and it continues to show the forward movement of cut-off dates for Filipino Nurses.

From a previous cut-off date of June 1, 2004 indicated in the August visa bulletin, the September 2010 visa bulletin reflects a cut-off date of December 15, 2004. That's a 6-month leap forward.

Filipino nurses whose priority dates fall within the periods mentioned can expect movement in the consular processing of their employment-based immigrant visa petition.

Run for a Cause: We too shall run!


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Keeping one's body healthy is just as important as keeping one's mind sharp. These days, the most popular activity to stay fit is to run marathons. 

Even better, these days, marathons are held to support a greater cause.

The folks at ALLGEN are joining the bandwagon to highlight a cause that is close to a nurse's heart: to stop nurse volunteer fees.

On the 14th of November, ALLGEN is holding its first annual run. If you want to support this cause, register anytime from August 2 to October 22, 2010. Categories, relevant fees, inclusions, assembly times, and gun start times are as follows:

3K 250 Race Kit & Singlet 5:35am 5:45am
5K 350 Race kit & Singlet 5:46am 6:00am
10K 450 Race Kit & Singlet 5:15am 5:30am
16K 600 Race kit & Singlet 5:15am 5:30am
10K GROUP (10 member division) 15,000 10 Race kits, 10 Singlet, Individual “Fun Run” medals, Team Plaque 5:15am 5:15am
16K GROUP (10 member division) 15,000 10 Race kits, 10 Singlet, Individual “Fun Run” medals, Team Plaque 5:15am 5:15am

Interested? Get in touch with them now at:

5F T.M Kalaw Center Bldg. T.M Kalaw Ave.
Ermita, Manila
(02) 567-2749/0641; 0917-544-2558; 0918-468-8222; 0922-859-5471

Make good use of your time, join this worthy cause!

The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing (BoN) has set the release of the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results on the last week of August.

This was announced in the same BoN resolution ordering the re-scheduling of the December 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination to December 19-20, 2010 instead of the original schedule of December 12-13, 2010.

Deadline for filing of application for the December 2010 exam has also been reset to September 28, 2010 for repeater applicants.

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