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Deadline for Filing of Applications for the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam


Applications for the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam may now be filed at all Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) offices nationwide. This was announced by the PRC recently.

Deadline for filing of applications are as follows:


Nursing board exam applicants are encouraged to submit their applications early as there will be no extensions past the deadlines set.

Meanwhile, the December 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results will be published here at Pinoy R.N. as soon as it is made available by the PRC. If you want to be notified when the results become available, submit your e-mail address below:

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DOH Launches RN HEALS Program


The Department of Health (DoH), in cooperation with the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE), is looking to hire 10,000 registered nurses for its "Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service" Program.

Dubbed "RN HEALS", the initiative seeks to make essential health services available to all Filipinos by training and deploying 10,000 unemployed nurses in communities to be identified by the DOH in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD),” Health Secretary Enrique Ona said.

Selected nurses will undergo learning and development in accordance with the roles and functions required by the project. A certificate of competency and employment will be given by the DOH, DSWD, and the Professional Regulation Commission to those who have satisfactorily completed their requirements.

Nurses will be given a monthly allowance of P8,000 by the DOH. While serving the community, the nurses will be under the supervision of the local government unit (LGU) where they are assigned. The LGU shall also ensure their safety and security, and provide modest board and lodging. Likewise, LGUs are encouraged to provide additional allowances and benefits worth at least P2,000 for these nurses.

PhilHealth and the Government Service Insurance System will provide group insurance to the nurses while private corporations are encouraged to chip in through their available resources.

The recruitment and selection of these nurses shall be under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) through its Regional Offices.

Interested nurses who are physically and mentally fit, and willing to serve in their municipalities may apply online at the DOLE website ( from January 17 to February 4 this year. Preference will be given to residents of the municipalities covered by the Health Facilities Enhancement Program of DOH and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or the Conditional Cash Transfer of the DSWD. 

The list of successful applicants with their area of assignments shall be posted online at the DOLE website from February 7-10. An orientation shall be held on February 11-12 in their provincial centers of assignment by the regional DOH, DSWD, Professional Regulation Commission – Board of Nursing and the Philippine Nurses Association prior to deployment.

Japanese Nurse Licensure Examination to be Administered in English


The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) announced yesterday that Japan will be translating its licensure examination for nurses to English in an effort to facilitate the entry of foreign nurses to its healthcare workforce.

Pinoy R.N. reported back in November the difficulty faced by Filipino nurses in passing the Japanese nurse licensure examination which was given entirely in Niponggo.

Last year, only one Filipino examinee passed the exam which is administered every February.

POEA Advisory for Nurses -

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