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The Professional Regulation Commission - Baguio Regional Office (PRC-BRO) has released the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam Room Assignments for examinees in Baguio, Cabanatuan, Dagupan and La Union.  Examinees are advised to contact PRC-BRO for any omissions and/or corrections.

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (BAGUIO Examinees)

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (CABANATUAN Examinees)

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (DAGUPAN Examinees)

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (LA UNION Examinees)

PRC Room Assignments for nursing board examinees in Cagayan de Oro City are now posted.  For corrections and/or omissions, July 2011 Nursing Board Exam candidates are advised to contact the PRC Regional Office where they filed their application.

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (CDO Examinees) -

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces the availability of the July 2011 Nurse Licensure Examination Room Assignments for MANILA Examinees.

July 2011 NLE Room Assignments (MANILA) - Removal

For more on PRC Nursing Board Exam Room Assignments and updates on the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam, visit Pinoy R.N. regularly.

General Reminders for the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam


The July 2011 Nursing Board Exam is scheduled on July 2 and 3, 2011.

Nursing candidates who will be taking the July 2011 Nurse Licensure Examination are encouraged to take note of the following reminders:

  • Check your school/building/room assignment at least 3 days before the July 2011 Nursing Board Exam.  (note: Pinoy R.N. will be posting the July 2011 PRC NLE Room Assignments as soon as it is made available by the PRC.)
  • Bring your July 2011 NLE Notice of Admission when you verify your school/room assignment.  Visit the examination site at least 1 day before the exam.
  • Remember to report to your assigned room before 6:30 a.m. on July 2, 2011.  Verify your seat number immediately and wait for the proctor to start giving instructions for the exam.  General instructions will be given starting 7:00 am.  Late examinees will not be admitted into the examination room.
  • Prescribed attire 
      1.  male - clinical uniform (white shoes, white socks, no name plate, no school insinia/logo/pin) or school uniform
      2. female -  clinical uniform (white shoes, white stockings, no name plate, no school insinia/logo/pin) or school uniform
      3. pregnant female - white clinical scrub suit
  • Things to bring for the July 2011 Nurse Licensure Examination:
      1. Notice of Admisson
      2. Official Receipt
      3. 1 pc. metered-stamped window mailing envelope
      4. No. 2 pencils
      5. Ballpens (black ink only)
      6. 1 pc. long brown envelope
      7. 1 pc. transparent plastic long envelope (for keeping your valuables)
      8. Non-programmable calculators
  • Prohibited inside the examination room:
      1. notes, books, review materials
      2. programmable calculators
      3. phones, beepers, laptops or gadgets of similar kind
      4. bags
      5. other items generally not allowed as stated in the examinees' guide
The July 2011 Nursing Board Exam will be administered in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legaspi, Lucena, Pagadian, Angeles, Tuguegarao, La Union, Dagupan and Tacloban and Zamboanga.  For the PRC Nursing Board Exam Room Assignments and more updates on the Nurse Licensure Examination this July 2011, visit Pinoy R.N. regularly.

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