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Free Nursing Review Apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad


It will be November in a few days and with that, we'd like to remind everybody that the December 2011 Nursing Board Exam is just around the corner. Meaning, those who will be taking the nurse licensure examination should have streamlined their review schedules by now so that more nursing topics will be covered (and mastered) in the soonest possible time.

However, we do understand that after months of endless hours of reading nursing textbooks and attending review classes, it's hard to keep motivation levels high. Yeah, you're tired of all the studying. And sometimes, the simple act of opening your nursing review materials and textbooks induces boredom and drowsiness.

But you know what? You can do something about it. A minor tweak in your study routine will, in fact, help keep your motivation levels high and bring back the zest in your nursing review.

Remember the article we did on free nursing apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch? Well, we found more nursing applications. But this time, the nursing apps will be more beneficial to nursing students and those who are reviewing for the nursing board exam. We feel that the use of interactive nursing review apps will help keep you right on track in your review even during those times when you just don't feel like opening your textbooks or those thick compilations given by nursing review centers. The interactive approach to learning will help you understand difficult concepts and retain knowledge better.

The free nursing review apps featured in this update are developed by Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, a company that's quite popular for their medical softwares and publications. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins have developed comprehensive review books and programs for nurses and student nurses. Below are the free medical nursing review apps that will be useful for those who are reviewing for the December 2011 Nurse Licensure Examination.

Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology Q&A - The exam-style practice questions in this app will prepare you for pathophysiology questions that might come up during the nursing board exam. Questions come with a rationale to help explain answers. There are also tools within the app to help you customize your review.

Smeltzer's Medical Surgical Nursing Q&A - The 1400+ practice questions covering 73 different content areas will help you master medical surgical nursing. If you finish answering all the practice tests and read the rationale for each question, you'll surely breeze through test items on medical surgical nursing during the nursing boards. 
Taylor's Fundamentals of Nursing Q&A - This nursing application for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch is actually a companion to the Fundamentals of Nursing textbook written by Carol R. Taylor. Still, even if you don't own the textbook, you can still use the app and all its 922 questions on nursing fundamentals to increase your chances of passing the December 2011 Nursing Board Exam. 
Jensen's Nursing Health Assessment Q&A - What's great about this nursing review app is it lets you create personalized practice tests from 522 questions on nursing health assessment. The Jensen's Nursing Health Assessment Q&A also allows you to track your overall performance, bookmark difficult items, and even switch to reference mode for quick review sessions.

To download the free nursing review apps by Lippincot Williams & Wilkins on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, go to the App Store and search for specific application you want to install. When the app shows up, tap install. You can also download the nursing apps through the iTunes application on your laptop or desktop.

While we are recommending the free nursing review apps listed above, remember that these are just alternative study methods. The nursing review apps are meant to supplement what you have studied in nursing school, read in your nursing textbooks, and discussed during your nursing review classes. Ergo, it would still be best that after the welcome break, you go right back to your nursing textbooks and other review materials for a more comprehensive review of nursing theories and concepts.

The December 2011 Nursing Board Exam is scheduled on December 18 & 19, 2011. For nursing board exam updates and exam review tips, visit Pinoy R.N. regularly.

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