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The Professional Regulation Commission has announced that applications for the June 2012 Nursing Board Exam may now be filed online (

The online application, however, only involves the first step in the application process.

After completing the online application, applicants must then proceed to the nearest PRC Office for the processing of their applications, payment of fees, and the issuance of their Notice of Admission for entry to the examination centers.

The two-day licensure examination is scheduled on June 30 – July 1, 2012 and will be held in several cities nationwide.

International Nurses Day 2012


On May 6 to May 12, nurses from all over the world will be celebrating International Nurses Week. This yearly event is held to commemorate the countless contributions millions of registered nurses have made to society.

International Nurses Day 2012 is scheduled on May 12,  the last day of the week-long celebration.  It marks the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth.  On this momentous occasion, National Nursing Associations (NNA) from all over the globe will join forces in memorializing her achievements and lifetime work in modern nursing.

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has announced that the International Nurses Day theme for 2012 is: Closing the Gap:  From Evidence to Action.  This year's theme emphasizes the utilization of evidence-based approach in nursing practice and the empowerment of nurses in putting nursing knowledge into everyday use.

The International Council of Nurses is an organization of National Nursing Associations. Founded in 1899, it represents more than 13 million nurses worldwide.

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