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A Quick Note on the June 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination Results

The last week of July release date for the June 2008 PRC nurse licensure examination is still on track according to the latest available information from the PRC-Board of Nursing website which incidentally went down a few days ago due to heavy internet traffic. It's back online again since yesterday but no new information is posted.

So, hang in there, future nurses. It's just a matter of days and the long wait will soon be over.

The moment the board exam results become available, it will be posted here at Pinoy R.N. and in several other nursing websites.

This blog post will serve as the anchor page for the June 2008 nursing board results. We are posting this anchor page this early so the search engines can index it making the PRC results searchable when it officially becomes available.

In the meantime, here's a nice video to help our future nurse colleagues while the time, relax, and calm those nerves down.


CyNurse said...

Nice vid. Calming, indeed.

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