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Introducing the Pinoy R.N. Toolbar


Two years ago, Pinoy R.N. debuted NurseCalc® -- a web application that featured useful online tools for nurses and student nurses. NurseCalc® later evolved to include mobile phone and Pocket PC versions. Recognizing the usefulness of the innovative NurseCalc® web application, several other nursing sites have adopted the handy tool and put it on their website as well.

In keeping with the tradition of bringing the latest innovations to nurses and student nurses, both local and abroad, Pinoy R.N. is proud to introduce a new innovation called, Pinoy R.N. Toolbar.

The new
Pinoy R.N. Toolbar lets users:
  • Access the latest nursing news and information with a single click
  • Stay up-to-date without leaving any website they are currently viewing
  • Get late-breaking news headlines such as nurse licensure exam results
  • Use handy search tools to find exactly what you they are looking for
  • Get notified instantly when they receive new e-mails
  • Get a quick view of the latest weather forecasts
  • Block annoying pop-ups when visiting any website
  • Launch specialized gadgets and play mini-games
  • Listen to online FM radio and podcasts without opening any application
  • Add shortcuts to commonly-used applications such as Microsoft office and Calculator
  • ...and host of other customizations and tools

With the Pinoy R.N. Toolbar, all the latest nursing information and updates are just a click away.

Upgrade your internet experience now, download the
Pinoy R.N. Toolbar now by clicking HERE.

Note: Some anti-virus programs MISTAKENLY tags the Pinoy R.N. toolbar as malicious software. This is because the toolbar is a browser plug-in. Rest assured that our toolbar does NOT contain any malicious code. Pinoy R.N. respects your privacy, click here to view the Pinoy R.N. toolbar privacy policy.


Unknown said...

HI! thanks for the deadline information. what is your source of the deadline date? When is the start of filing for application? thanks so much! -(clariz)

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Created and maintained by Lyle R. Santos, BSN RN. Copyright © 2008 - Pinoy R.N. - is proudly powered by Blogger
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