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In an announcement posted on its website, the California Board of Registered Nursing said it will be requiring all nurse licensees to declare if they have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony during the last renewal period.

The move came after the LA Times and Propublica reported that the California Board of Registered Nursing allowed allowed sex offenders, drug users and convicts to retain and renew their nursing licenses.

All previous convictions must be disclosed even if they have been dismissed, reduced, or expunged.

Filipino registered nurses working in the State of California are also subject to the new renewal requirements which took effect last October 23, 2008.

November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination Focus Points


The November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) is scheduled on November 29 and 30, 2008.

With just over a month to go before the 2-day nursing board exam, candidates to the November 2008 NLE should make it a point to have a structured and comprehensive review of the topics specified in the Scope of the Nurse Licensure Examination as outlined by the Professional Regulation Commission-Board of Nursing.

Since the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination will utilize a competency-based test framework, candidates to the November 2008 NLE should familiarize themselves with the 11 core competency areas for nursing practice which include the following:
  • Safe and Quality Nursing Care
  • Management of Resources and Environment
  • Health Education
  • Legal Responsibility
  • Ethico-Moral Responsibility
  • Personal and Professional Development
  • Quality Improvement
  • Research
  • Records Management
  • Communication
  • Collaboration and Teamwork

The November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination consists of five parts. To help candidates maximize their review for the Nurse Licensure Examination this November, Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class have summarized the following important points on the coverage of the November 2008 Nursing Board Examination.

Nursing Practice I.
For Nursing Practice I, examinees need to be knowledgeable on the different theories, concepts, principles, and processes fundamental to the practice of nursing with emphasis on health promotion and health maintenance. It includes basic nursing skills in the care of clients across age groups in various settings as well as the various roles, functions, and responsibilities of the professional nurse in varied health care settings.

Candidates to the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination should also expect questions on the theoretical foundations of nursing, roles and functions of the nurse, nursing process, basic nursing skills, bioethical principles, patient’s bill of rights, nursing code of ethics, laws affecting nursing practice, nursing leadership and management, records management, nursing research, communication, and the nurse-client relationship.

Nursing Practice II.
Nursing Practice II covers theories, principles, and processes in the care of individuals, families, groups and communities to promote health and alleviate pain and discomfort, utilizing the nursing process as framework. It also includes the care of high risk and at-risk mothers, children and families during the various stages of the life cycle.

For this test, candidates to the November 2008 NLE need to review more about topics on Community Health Nursing and Maternal Child Nursing. Specific topics include principles and standards of CHN, levels of care, IMCI, PHC as a strategy, health care delivery system, vital statistics, FHSIS, epidemiology and demography, and environmental sanitation, growth and development, nursing care of the newborn, among others.

Nursing Practice III, IV, and V.
Nursing Practice III, IV, and V covers the theories, concepts, principles and processes in the care of clients with altered health patterns, utilizing the nursing process and integrating the key areas of nursing competencies. Questions on safe and quality care, health education, management of environment and resources and quality improvement, as well as personal and professional development, communication, collaboration, and teamwork, and ethico-moral-legal responsibility are expected in Nursing Practice III, IV, and V.

For Nursing Practice III, November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination candidates need to study specifically on the management of clients in pain, and of clients with oxygenation, metabolic and endocrine, and elimination problems.

For Nursing Practice IV, nursing board examinees will likely be tested on concepts about disturbances on fluid and electrolytes, immunologic functioning, and cellular functioning. November 2008 NLE candidates also need to review on emergency and disaster nursing and the management of clients with inflammatory and infectious disorders, and of clients in acute biologic crisis.

Nursing Practice V generally covers disturbances in perception and coordination, and maladaptive patterns of behavior. Questions on neurologic, musculoskeletal, and sensory disorders as well as questions on psychiatric nursing are to be expected in this test.

Aside from reviewing on nursing topics, candidates to the November 2008 nursing board exam are expected to be knowledgeable on current events and various local and global nursing issues. It is also prudent for November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination candidates to be familiar with the previous and present members of the Board of Nursing and their stand on issues concerning politics, religion, sexuality, and the nursing profession.

Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class will be posting more exclusive tips, review notes, and last-minutes advisories to November 2008 nursing board examinees in the coming days and weeks so be sure to check back regularly.

Alternatively, examinees to the November 2008 PRC nursing board exam may also opt to receive nursing board exam tips and updates via e-mail by submitting their e-mail address below.

Tips for the November 2008 Nursing Board Exam

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PNA Holds 3-Day National Convention


The Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) will be holding a national convention on October 21 to 23, 2008 at the Tent City of the Manila Hotel as part of the 51st Nurses Week Celebration and the PNA's 86th Founding Anniversary.

The theme for this 3-day event is "Nurses: Delivering, Serving, Leading Primary Health Care."

Pre-Registration.........P 3,900.00

On-Site Registration..P 4,900.00
(Oct. 20, 2008, Manila Hotel)

For inquiries and reservations, interested parties may call the PNA Secretariat at (02) 525-1596.

CGFNS International Announces $50 Increase for VisaScreen® Certificate


CGFNS International is set to increase the price for its VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment program by $50. The current price for a VisaScreen® Certificate, which is valid for 5 years from the date of issue, is $448.

January next year, the price for the VisaScreen® Certificate will be $498.

Internationally educated health care professionals such as Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, and Occupational Therapists seeking temporary or permanent occupational visas to the United States are required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to secure a VisaScreen® Certificate as mandated by
section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

VisaScreen® is administered by the International Commission on Healthcare Professions (ICHP), a division of CGFNS International.

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has recently opened an extension office at the Ever Gotesco Manila Plaza in Recto Avenue, Manila.

The newly-opened PRC service center offers the following services:

  1. Processing applications of first time applicants in various licensure examinations
  2. Verification of ratings in recently released examination results
  3. Registration of new successful examinees for big examinations like nurses, teachers and CPAs.

Located at the 2nd floor of Ever Gotesco U-belt, the recently-opened PRC extension office is equipped with a numbering system machine, paging system, comfortable chairs, and excellent air-conditioning system.

Meanwhile, applicants to the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination are reminded that the deadline for the filing and processing of applications will be on Friday, October 17, 2008.

Other updates such as PRC room assignments, last-minute announcements, nursing board exam tips and complete exam results for the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examinations will be posted at Pinoy R.N. as it becomes available.

To receive updates via e-mail, submit your e-mail address below:

November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination Updates

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Trade Agreement Allowing Entry of Filipino Nurses to Japan Ratified by Philippine Senate


In a vote of 16-4, the Philippine Senate on Wednesday ratified the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) which, among others, provides for the hiring of 400 filipino nurses and 600 caregivers by Japanese healthcare facilities.

However, several militant groups have been opposing the trade pact between the Philippines and Japan saying it is lopsided in favor of Japan as it allows the entry of toxic wastes from Japan to the Philippines.

The Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), in its position paper written by PNA President Leah Paquiz in September last year, said that the agreement undermines the professionalism and dignity of filipino registered nurses.

"Even with a bachelor’s degree earned from four years of higher education in the Philippines, proof of competence by virtue of having passed the Philippine Licensure Examination and three solid years of work experience, the Filipino nurse will go to Japan not to fully practice the nursing profession but to become a trainee. Under the JPEPA, the Filipino nurse must train under the supervision of a Japanese nurse for up to three years. If unable to pass the nursing licensure examination in Japanese, the Filipino nurse would have to be deported," wrote Paquiz.

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2nd ALLGEN Open-House on October 25


Sponsored Article

Planning to take an NCLEX Review Class? Looking for a venue where your NCLEX concerns can all be addressed? If you are a nurse in search of an NCLEX review center, come and join ALLGEN for the 2nd ALLGEN Open-House in partnership with the Nurse Exam Application Center (NEAC) on Saturday, October 25 between 2 to 4pm.

Listen and learn from industry experts as they guide you on:

1. The NCLEX Application Process, how do I go about it?

2. Is CGFNS still a requirement to be a US-RN?

3. IELTS, is it a must to my American Dream?

4. Preparing for the NCLEX Exam

5. Introduction to the 17-Day ALLGEN Review Program

This 2-hour activity, which includes snacks & drinks, is absolutely FREE.

Interested? Call ALLGEN at (02) 567-0641 or e-mail them at You may also visit them at Unit # 507 T.M. Kalaw Ctr. Bldg., T.M. Kalaw St., Manila.

The 2nd ALLGEN Open-House offers limited slots only, so reserve now!

Those who intend to take the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examinations are reminded that the last day of filing for applications at the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) will be on October 17, 2008 (Friday).

The November 2008 Nursing Board Exam is scheduled on November 29-30, 2008 (Saturday & Sunday).

November 2008 nursing board examinees are advised to visit Pinoy R.N. regularly for last-minute reminders and nursing board exam tips. You may also submit your email address to our mailing list to receive updates via email.

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