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The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces the availability of the PRC School, Building, and Room Assignments for the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE). The following document covers examinees who are registered with PRC Manila.

June 2009 PRC Room Assignment (Manila Examinees)

Nursing examinees from other cities are advised to visit the nearest PRC Regional Office for their room assignments.

Other nursing board exam updates such as last-minute announcement and instructions on what to bring on examination day will be posted at Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class. Be sure to bookmark this site or subscribe to our e-mail alerts by submitting a valid e-mail address below.

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Approximately 80,000 prospective nurses are set to take the two-day nurse licensure examination on June 6 and 7, 2009 according to information released by the Professional Regulation Commission – Board of Nursing.

Manila will be hosting close to half of the examinees with 42,338 examinees. Coming in second with the biggest number of examinees is Baguio with 11,336 examinees. The following table, prepared by Pinoy R.N. from data released by the Board of Nursing, shows the number of nursing board examinees from other cities.


Number of Examinees for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam









Cagayan de Oro














Meanwhile, Board of Nursing member and spokesperson, Marco Antonio Sto. Tomas said that they will be going into quarantine today to ensure the integrity of the Nursing Board Exam.

The process will involve barring of outside contact and all forms of communication for all board members and PRC personnel involved in the preparation, encoding, and printing of the test questions. They will also be closely monitored by NBI and PNP personnel as part of test security protocol.

The June 2009 Nursing Board Exam is scheduled on June 6 and 7, 2009 and will be held simultaneously in several cities across the country.

Be the first to know when PRC room assignments for your city and other nursing board exam updates become available. Submit your e-mail address below to receive updates via E-mail.

PRC Room Assignments & Other Nursing Board Exam Updates

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The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) - Baguio Regional Office has released the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Room Assignments for examinees who registered with PRC-Baguio.

School, building, and room assignments of Baguio nursing examinees are listed below:

{Click here to ENLARGE the document}

June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination PRC Room Assignments for Manila and other cities will be posted at Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class as soon as it is published by the PRC.

Be the first to know when PRC room assignments for your city and other nursing board exam updates become available. Submit your e-mail address below to receive updates via E-mail.

PRC Room Assignments & Other Nursing Board Exam Updates

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Those who will be taking the Nurse Licensure Examination on June 6 & 7 are surely intensifying their review for the nursing board exams right now. As the exam date draws near, nursing review classes are longer and more rigorous as everybody tries to cover more nursing topics to better prepare for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam.

While a good nursing review program with a reputable nursing review center will help greatly in the exam preparation process, nursing board examinees must effectively manage the time they spend attending review classes in order to increase their chances of performing well in the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination.

A structured and comprehensive nursing review program will only be effective if examinees adhere to it conscientiously and use it to their best advantage. Here’s how:

Take good notes. Take note of basic nursing concepts, key terms, definitions, and examples. Take note of the points emphasized by nursing lecturers like CBQs (Common Board Questions) and nursing bullets. Make sure you know what nursing topics your lecturers spent a lot of time discussing and keep your notes organized and legible. Also ask if you can record nursing lectures. Listening to nursing lectures at home or during a long commute will help you greatly in your review.

Mind where you sit. Sit in the front row so you can hear the lectures well. Sitting where your nursing lecturer can see you will help you be more attentive in your nursing review class. This will also discourage you from engaging in useless chatter or sleeping in class.

Read any lecture hand-outs given to you in advance. Highlight or mark any topics you feel you need to focus on and do some further reading at home. This will also give you the opportunity to prepare questions on topics that you find difficult to grasp.

Ask questions. You may have encountered nursing questions during your supplemental review that you need help on so do not hesitate to seek your lecturer’s assistance especially if the topic is his or her area of expertise.

After each review session, read your notes. Reciting or reading your notes aloud will help you remember the nursing topics you have covered.

Stick to your review schedule. Even if you feel you already know the specific concept scheduled for the day, attend your review classes because the whole point of attending review classes is to be refreshed on nursing topics you have previously learned or mastered in nursing school. And if you have to miss a review session, make sure to ask your classmates (and lecturer) about what topics you have missed and go over their notes if you can.

Take pre-tests and post-tests seriously. Your nursing review center has prepared pre-tests and post-tests for each and every nursing concept included in your review program. Analyze your test results to help you identify which topics you already know and which topics you need to further review on. Take note of the answers to all the questions as there is a likelihood that similar questions will be asked during the actual nursing board exam.

Get enough rest, nutrition, and hydration. Preparing for the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination means that you have to be well-rested and well-nourished in order to keep you alert and boost energy levels throughout your nursing review sessions. You also need to remember to take short breaks in order to invigorate yourself for the long review hours ahead.

Other nursing board exam updates such as PRC room assignments, last-minute announcements, more nursing board exam tips, and complete exam results for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam will be posted here at Pinoy R.N. and at our affiliate site, Ward Class, as it becomes available.

Examinees to the June 2009 PRC nursing board exam may also opt to receive nursing board exam tips and updates via e-mail by submitting a valid e-mail address below.

June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination Tips & Updates

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Those who are reviewing for major exams like the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam are surely experiencing a significant amount of stress. While stress can be positive and motivate examinees to some extent, excessive stress can affect their overall functioning negatively.

Stress, when left unmanaged, can result in alterations in sleep and eating patterns, lowered self-esteem, mood changes, increased anxiety, frequent body aches, decreased ability to complete tasks, decreased concentration, and memory impairment. So to avoid experiencing these symptoms, the task then, for those who are reviewing for the November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE), is to manage and maintain stress at healthy levels. Here’s how:

Develop a relaxing ritual. If you are experiencing symptoms of stress, one way of managing it is by starting your day with a relaxing ritual. You can do this by thinking of good memories such as a family outing or your achievements in school, or by simply counting your blessings as soon as you wake up in the morning. This early morning ritual will make you realize that you have accomplished a lot of things and that you have a lot to be thankful for, leaving you with a warm feeling throughout the day.

Breathe deeply. Breathing deeply for 3 to 5 minutes for at least three times a day will help defuse stress. It will help reduce tension and free your mind of distracting thoughts.

Take a walk. When you are feeling stressed out and can’t seem to concentrate on your review for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam, taking a brisk walk for 15 minutes will help you relax and reduce anxiety. Physical activity such as brisk-walking will also improve your circulation and prevent body aches, a manifestation of stress.

Listen to relaxing music. Whenever you feel tension and anxiety build up, put aside your review materials for a few minutes and give yourself a mental break by listening to relaxing music. Soothing music will help ease tension and will help you focus more as you get on with your review.

Pamper yourself. By now, you probably have spent months reviewing for the Nursing Licensure Examination so you should at least give yourself enough time for rest and relaxation. You can use your free time to catch up on much-needed sleep, meet some friends, attend a family gathering, have a massage, read a book, or even watch a movie. Indulging yourself in these simple pleasures will help reduce stress levels and help prevent burnout.

Surround yourself with cool colors. Come to think of it, colors like green and blue will help calm and relax you. So whenever you get increasingly frustrated after long hours of self-study in preparation for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam, going to the park or staying in a room with light blue and green interiors will help relieve stress.

Visualize success. One way of relieving stress as you prepare for the June 2009 Nursing Board Exam is by visualizing yourself actually attending the oathtaking ceremony as a registered nurse. Engaging your mind in this relaxing activity will boost your confidence, reduce anxiety, and lower your stress levels significantly.

Talk to a friend or a family member. As the nursing board exam date draws near, you will surely experience increasing levels of stress. One way of defusing stress is by talking to a trusted person who knows how to listen, is impartial, and understands that you just need to vent your frustration. Talking to someone you trust about topics other than the June 2009 Nuursing Board Exam will also keep your mind off the exam for a while and calm your nerves.

Evaluate your progress each day. Before retiring each night (or day depending on your body clock), evaluate your progress. Most of those who review for major exams like the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination think that they haven’t covered a lot of materials yet. But the thing is, if only they will take time to evaluate their daily progress, then they will know that they actually know more than they think they do. Evaluating your daily progress as a habit that will help you realize that you have reviewed well for the NLE this June and help reduce stress and anxiety in the process.

And lastly, pray. A lot of people read the Bible or recite their favorite Bible verse whenever they are experiencing a lot of stress. If you believe in the power of prayer, then saying the Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino or reading verses from the Bible will have a profound calming effect on you as you review for the June 2009 Nursing Licensure Examination.

Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class will be posting other exclusive nursing review tips, review notes, and last-minute advisories to June 2009 nursing board examinees in the coming days and weeks so be sure to check back regularly.

Conversely, examinees to the June 2009 PRC nursing board exam may also opt to receive nursing board exam tips and updates via e-mail by submitting a valid e-mail address below.

June 2009 Nursing Board Exam Tips:

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Effective Study Techniques for the Nurse Licensure Examination


With the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) fast approaching, those who intend to take the exam on June 6 & 7 need to maximize their review by learning how to study effectively.

As part of
Pinoy R.N.'s commitment to help nursing board examinees who are scheduled to take the PRC Nurse Licensure Examination next month, here are some tips on how to study for the nursing board exams effectively:

  • Study when you are most alert. Some people study better at daytime while others prefer to study at night or even during the wee hours of the morning. Whatever your preferred time is, it is important to study the most difficult materials of the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination when you are most alert to help you focus more on the topic at hand.
  • Choose an appropriate study area. Your study area should be conducive for studying. An appropriate study area is well-lighted, well-ventilated, and free of distractions. You should also have a sturdy desk where you have your reference materials within your reach and a chair that supports good posture.
  • Create a Priority List. Barely a month before the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination, you should have identified nursing topics that you know very well and those topics you still need to improve on. Create a task list so you can appropriate more time for in-depth review on nursing topics you find most difficult and keep track of the nursing topics you have covered and those you still need to study on.
  • Take short breaks. After long, grueling hours of reviewing for the NLE, you need to take short breaks to recharge yourself. You need to walk around the room, stretch your limbs, and take cleansing breaths to improve your circulation and relax your mind and body.
  • Take time to nourish and hydrate yourself. Give particular attention to what you eat and drink during study periods. It is best to eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours to maintain your energy levels and avoid feeling drowsy and sluggish. Also remember to consume lots of fluids to keep you hydrated and refreshed even after hours of studying.
  • Have enough rest and sleep. While you need to spend long hours studying for the Nurse Licensure Examination this June, your body needs to rest in order to be in peak operating condition. When you deprive your body of the much-need rest and sleep, you will feel groggy and find it harder to concentrate on your review for the NLE.
  • Make use of study tools. When reviewing for the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination, you need all the help you need to maximize your study time. For example, if you have a hard time remembering laboratory values and drug antidotes, why not make cram sheets on these topics? Cram sheets are handy and you can go over them whenever you have the time.
  • Join a study group. When you think you have covered all the nursing topics included in the Scope of the Nurse Licensure Examination, one way of supplementing self-study is by joining a study group where you can exchange notes, nursing mnemonics, and tips with other group members. There may be nursing topics you have missed out on and other group members may be able to explain them to you thoroughly.

Remember that in order to succeed in the June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination, you have to go beyond just basic studying. It is very important to learn how to study effectively and use valuable study time to your best advantage.

Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class will be posting more exclusive nursing review tips, review notes, and last-minutes advisories to June 2009 nursing board examinees in the coming days and weeks so be sure to check back regularly.

Alternatively, examinees to the June 2009 PRC nursing board exam may also opt to receive nursing board exam tips and updates via e-mail by submitting a vailid e-mail address below.

June 2009 Nurse Licensure Examination Tips:

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Healthy Eating for the Nursing Board Exam
Surefire Tips for the Nurse Licensure Examination
Prayer for Nursing Board Examinees

Filipino Nurses and Caregivers Begin Arriving in Japan this Month


Filipino registered nurses and caregivers will be going to Japan this month to undergo a six-month language and culture training under a trade agreement signed three years ago. The training will prepare them to work in Japanese hospitals and elderly homes.

Faced with an aging population, Japan recently relaxed its immigration policies turning to foreign nurses for the care of its elderly.

The move, however, was criticized by the Japanese Nursing Association. It said that Filipinos might not have sufficient understanding of Japanese culture to work as caregivers. It added that the agreement will take jobs away from skilled Japanese nurses.

For its part, the Philippine Nurses Association last year said that the agreement undermines our nurses' dignity and professionalism.

"Even with a bachelor’s degree earned from four years of higher education in the Philippines, proof of competence by virtue of having passed the Philippine Licensure Examination and three solid years of work experience, the Filipino nurse will go to Japan not to fully practice the nursing profession but to become a trainee."

"Under the JPEPA, the Filipino nurse must train under the supervision of a Japanese nurse for up to three years. If unable to pass the nursing licensure examination in Japanese, the Filipino nurse would have to be deported," wrote erthswhile PNA President Dr. Leah Paquiz.

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