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Senator Pilar Juliana “Pia” Cayetano, chair of the Senate Committee on Health and Demography, recently filed a resolution in the Senate seeking to investigate the exploitative practice of private and government hospitals in hiring new nurses as "On-the-Job" nurse trainees instead of being employed as regular staff nurses.
Cayetano also wants the Senate to investigate reports that hospitals, instead of compensating nurse trainees for services rendered, are collecting fees from the nurses.

In 2008, erstwhile Philippine Nurses Association President Lea Paquiz slammed this exploitative practice of Philippine hospitals. A bill prohibiting this abusive practice was subsequently filed in congress the following year but it never saw the light of day.

Recently, Pinoy R.N. published another article discussing the matter where several nurses confirmed that such scheme exists.

A copy of the Senate Resolution No. 166 was obtained by Pinoy R.N. and is posted below for reference:
Senate Resolution No. 166 -

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Registration Schedule for New Nurses in Manila, Pampanga, and Cebu


The Professional Regulation Commission has released the schedule of registration of new nurses in Manila, Pampanga and Cebu.

New nurses who passed in the July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination are advised to follow the posted schedule to facilitate an orderly registration process.

Registration for New Nurses in Manila and Pampanga -

Registration Schedule for New Nurses in Cebu -

Initial registration for new nurses in Baguio starts on September 6, 2010, Monday, at the PRC Baguio Regional Office.

Registration schedule for new nurses in Davao, Bacolod, Iloilo, and other areas will also be posted here once it becomes available.

Successful examinees should personally register and sign the Roster of Registered Professionals. Listed below are the requirements for initial registration:

  • Duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal;
  • 2010 Community Tax (Cedula);
  • Two (2) pieces passport-size pictures (colored with white background and name tag);
  • One (1) piece 1”x1” picture (colored with white background and name tag);
  • One (1) piece documentary stamps;
  • One (1) piece short brown envelope with name and profession;
  • Original and photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate (original copy for presentation purposes only); and
  • Initial Registration Fee of P600.00 and Annual Registration Fee of P450.00 for 2010-2013.

The Professional Identification Card and Certificate of Registration will be issued 3-4 months after the initial registration.

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