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VisaScreen® Certificate Renewal


The VisaScreen® Certificate is a document issued by CGFNS International certifying that a health care professional has successfully completed Federal screening requirements prior to the issuance of a temporary or permanent occupational visa.

VisaScreen® Certificates are valid five years from the date of issue. Nurses who are VisaScreen® Certificate holders are advised that they MUST reapply for a certificate renewal six months before expiration of their current certificate unless they have obtained a permanent visa or has become a U.S. citizen.

VisaScreen® Certificate renewal requires that a nurse takes an approved English proficiency exam unless he or she can demonstrate at least 27-36 months of legal employment as a nurse in the United States. The applicant's employer needs to submit a signed employment summary on corporate letterhead in order for the English exam requirement to be waived.

VisaScreen® Certificate renewals can be accomplished online or by mail. To download the renewal application form and read more about VisaScreen® Certificate renewal cost and application requirements, log on to

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