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Word is out that the results of the December 2007 nursing board exam will be released on the first week of february. Traditionally, nursing exam results are released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on a saturday and published online on a sunday. We will post more information as soon as we get solid confirmation on the actual release date.

In anticipation of the release, Pinoy R.N. readers are advised to download and install in advance a copy of Adobe Reader as initial publication of the exam results are usually in Portable Document File (.pdf) format.

To download adobe reader, click

To facilitate access to the results, we will also be publishing text (.txt) and Microsoft Word (.doc) versions of the December 2007 nurse licensure examination results.

Pinoy R.N. will also send out the the exam results via e-mail to all who submitted their e-mail address to our mailing list.
Goodluck to all those who took the December 2007 nursing exams!

Nurse Licensure Examination Schedule for 2008 and 2009


With the expected rise of nursing graduates this year, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has released a memo to nursing school presidents and college deans saying that nursing graduates of March 2008 will be taking the nurse licensure examination in November 2008. While those graduating in October of this year can take the nursing board exam on June 2009.

Those intending to take the June 1 and 2 nursing board exams this year are advised to complete their application at PRC on April 11, 2008. The deadline for the November 28 and 29 nursing board exams this year is October 17, 2008.

The PRC expects to process at least 80,000 applicants for the nurse licensure examination this year. A PDF copy of the PRC memorandum circular is available at the download section of Pinoy R.N.

Update: New memo from PRC (Jan 26, 2008)

(Thanks to breech for the copy of the PRC memo.)

Tentative Schedule of PNA-Accredited Seminars (January – June 2008)


The Committee of Continuing Education of the Philippine Nurses Association has released its tentative schedule of seminars for the first half of the year.

Seminars scheduled for January of this year are as follows:
DATE      TOPICS                 
Jan. 18 Diabetes Mellitus
8:00 am – 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 Member
Php 350.00 Non-Member

Jan. 29 Balik-Turo Program in Partnership
8:00 am – 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 Member
Php 350.00 Non-Member

Complete schedule of seminars (January-June 2008) is available for download HERE. The file requires Adobe Reader to open which can be downloaded HERE.

Anyone who wishes to attend these seminars is advised to confirm at least one day before the published dates as schedules are subject to change without prior notice.

Further inquiries and confirmation may be coursed through Mr. Nicole at tel. nos. 400-4430 / 536-1888 / 521-0937.
The fees are inclusive of certificates only. Venue for all seminars will be in the PNA Auditorium at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street, Malate, Manila

Thanks to Noel Banez for the heads up.

TV Report: DoLE and DoH Seek Measures to Abate Pinoy Nurse Migration


A television report said that the Department of Labor (DoLE) and the Department of Health (DoH) were seeking measures to address deteriorating patient care in the country by making it difficult for filipino nurses working in government hospitals to migrate and seek employment abroad.

ABS-CBNś Bandila reported that the measure was necessary to address the chronic lack of nursing and medical personnel in government hospitals and the continuing deterioration of patient care in the country.

However, it was unclear as to how the two agencies planned to implement the measure.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Nurses Association called the proposed measure as unfair saying the government should not prevent nurses from seeking better employment abroad considering the lack of career advancement opportunities locally.

Related Article:

Nursing Shortage in the Philippines: The Real Score

Start the New Year Right with Great Giveaways!


They say that if you start the new year right, everything pretty much works out the rest of the year. So, why not try your luck with these great new year giveaways?

1. Rachell Allen Free NCLEX-RN Review Scholarship Giveaway
Prizes include: Free NCLEX-RN review, Unlimited access to the Rachell Allen exclusive online review, Rachell Allen guidebook and workbook, and a 3-month supply of brainbooster.

2. YugaTech and Auction.PH New Year Giveaway
Prizes include: Creative 2.1 Subwoofer System, Php2,000 Gift Certificate on any Nokia Stores, Shell-Ferrari Model Cars, Apacer USB 2.0 Drive, 20 pcs. Auction.PH T-Shirts, 2 accounts for 1-year Free 1GB Hosting and Domain from plogHost.

Combined prizes from both giveaways is worth Php50,000. Happy new year, nurses!

Pinoy R.N. Recap of Philippine Nursing in 2007


Here's a quick round-up of events that made waves in the pinoy nursing world in 2007.

Release of the December 2006 Nurse Licensure Examinations Results

USCIS Proposes Fee Increases
CGFNS Declares June 2006 Nurses Ineligible for VisaScreen Sans Retake
Philippine Delegation Appeals CGFNS Decision

CGFNS Affirms Decision
ANA Joins the Foray and Ask for Full Retake
Recapture Bill Introduced to Address Retrogression
Arroyo Orders Partial Retake
DoLE Initiates Free Special Review for Retakers
PRC/DoLE issues Retake Guidelines

10,000 June 2006 Nurses Enlist for Special Review
Philippines and Bahrain Sign Health Accord
Sentosa Nurses Asks POEA to Rule on Case

Major Rallies Held Across U.S. Calling for Immigration Reform
Sentosa Nurses Creates Online Petition to Seek Support

First Round of Special Retake of the Compromised June 2006 Board Exam Held
ANA and NYSNA Throw Support Behind Filipino Nurses vs Sentosa
Surprise! Retrogression Lifted Temporarily
IELTS Implements Changes in Band Score Reporting

Another Surprise! USCIS Reverses Visa Bulletin; Retrogression Again in Effect
NCSBN Announces NCLEX Testing in the Philippines
DoLE Announces Possiblity of Giving LPN License to Retake Flunkers

NY State Education Department Denies Freezing Applications of June 2006 Nurses
Release of the June 2007 Nurse Licensure Examinations Results
NCLEX Testing in the Philippines Begins

DoLE Opens 2nd Registration for Final Round of Special Retake Review

U.S. Senate Passes Bill Recapturing 60,000 Visa Numbers for Schedule A Nurses

Bill That Recaptures 60,000 Visa Numbers Fails to Survive BiCam Conference
DoLE Announces Transmittal of Retake Results to CGFNS

Final Round of Retake Coincides with Scheduled December Nursing Board Exam
DoLE Issues Warning vs Abusive New Zealand Nursing Job Recruiters

The year that passed was a good year for this author and this blog. Hope the coming year will be better for all nurses out there. Happy New Year Everyone! Cheers!

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