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June 2008 Nursing Board Exam Relevant Links, Downloads, and Tips Part 2


To supplement our first round of tips, links and downloads for examinees in the June 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination, Pinoy R.N., in cooperation with Ward Class, is again posting relevant tips and useful downloads for our soon-to-be nurse colleagues.

Nursing Board Exam Tips from
Ward Class:

Review Notes from
Pinoy R.N.:

Nothings beats a good preparation. So, to all the examinees in the June 2008 nursing board
exams, break a leg!

New BSN Curriculum to Include Two More Nursing Subjects


An anonymous reader sent in a report from The Philippine Star stating that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), through CHED Order Number 5 series of 2008, has ordered the addition of two new subjects in the nursing curriculum beginning June 2008.

The new subjects, Theoretical Foundation in Nursing and Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, are said to deal mainly on the emphasis of ethics and commitment in the practice of nursing.

The report said that the introduction of two new subjects, based from the recommendations of the Technical Committee on Nursing Education, are aimed at maintaining the quality of nursing education in the country.

A comprehensive review of the changes in the new nursing curriculum is discussed in Ward Class, Pinoy R.N.'s affiliate blog specially made for student nurses.

Related Link:

Full text of CHED Order Number 5 series of 2008

June 2008 Visa Bulletin Released; No Movement for EB3 Category



After two months of rapid movements in the EB3 dates, the June 2008 Visa Bulletin released by the U.S. Department of State today showed that the priority dates for employment-based visas for filipino nurses remain at March 1, 2006.

This lack of movement in the EB3 priority dates is mainly due to the visa numbers nearing its annual cap for the year which may even result to the dates moving backwards temporarily in the July and August Visa Bulletins with the fiscal year nearing its end.

However, the EB3 priority dates are again expected to reflect significant forward movements in October 2008, the first month of the next the fiscal year.

Meanwhile, despite the "not-so-good" news in the June 2008 Visa Bulletin, filipino nurses still have something to smile about with the recent introduction of HR 5924 which, among others, seeks to lift the current visa retrogression by waiving visa quotas for occupations listed under Schedule A. Nursing and PT jobs are considered shortage occupations by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Related Links:
June 2008 Visa Bulletin
May 2008 Visa Bulletin
April 2008 Visa Bulletin
HR 5924: Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act

CGFNS Services: Which One Do I Need?


Nursing licensure and practice in the United States and its territories are governed and regulated at the State level. Hence, eligibility and licensure requirements vary from state to state. It is, thus, imperative for the intending applicant to have a solid knowledge and correct understanding of the state board's requirements.

Recognized as an international authority on credentials evaluation and verification, most of the fifty (50) American states rely on the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
® (CGFNS) for credentials assessment in evaluating a foreign-educated applicant's eligibility to take the U.S. nursing licensure examination, more popularly known as the National Council Licensure Examinations (NCLEX).

CGFNS International offers several credentials assessment and evaluation services pertaining to the education, registration and licensure of nurses and healthcare professionals worldwide, such as:
  • Certification Program (CP)
  • Credential Evaluation Service (CES)
  • Credential Verification Service for New York State (CVS)
  • VisaScreen: Visa Credentials Assessment

One common point of misunderstanding in the completion of the application process is which service to get from the CGFNS. The confusion lies primarily on the need to take the CGFNS exam, a component of the CGFNS Certification Program, which in the past was mandatory in all U.S. states prior to being made eligible to sit for the NCLEX exam.

Recently, however, a great number of states have began to drop the CGFNS exam requirement, state boards have shifted to other forms of credentials assessment and evaluation. Some states, Vermont for example, now do their own credentials assessment and evaluation while other states, such as New Mexico, only require the CES, which is easier to complete than the CP since no exam is necessary.

Knowing and understanding these intricacies will save the applicant a significant amount of time and money as each of the services offered by CGFNS differ in terms of processing time, documentary requirements, and fees.

Specific state requirements are listed at the state board's website which is available at Click here to see Pinoy R.N.'s list of states that no longer require the CGFNS exam (CP).

Related Articles:
US Nursing Exams: CGFNS vs NCLEX
List of Non-CGFNS States

Release Schedule of DoLE Certificates to Passers of December 2007 Nursing Voluntary Retake Exam


The Certificates of those who passed the December 2007 nursing voluntary retake exam may be claimed at the Department of Labor office in Intramuros, Manila from 9 am to 12 noon and 1:30pm to 4:30pm upon the presentation of the examinee's Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) License.

To ensure the order in the release of the Certificates, passers are advised to observe the following schedule:

May 7, 2008 - Abad - Bendo
May 8, 2008 - Bergado - Dayawon
May 9, 2008 - De Guzman - Ganay
May 12, 2008 - Gantangco - Luna
May 13, 2008 - Lusis - Paderes
May 14, 2008 - Padilla - Saloria
May 15, 2008 - Samia - Zolina

Those residing outside Metro Manila may claim their Certificates through the DoLE Regional Offices nearest their place of residence or work.

Proxy claimants or representatives are required to present an authorization letter together with the examinee's original PRC License and a photocopy of the License for DoLE files.

Ward Class: Online Resource for Student Nurses


It has been approximately 2 years and 5 months since Pinoy R.N. started and the response and support this blog received from nurses here and abroad has been overwhelming, to say the least. In return, we continuously endeavor to improve our services for the benefit of our readers and esteemed regulars who have helped us in one way or another.

During one of our late-night bull sessions, a colleague and this blogger realized that a very important subgroup of our target visitors, our Student Nurses (a.k.a Future RNs), has been overlooked. With this very important group of people in mind, we decided to start an online resource site specifically tailored for their needs. Hence, the birth of Ward Class.

In line with the objectives of Pinoy R.N., Ward Class aims to help student nurses cope with the challenges of nursing school and clinical rotations. It will provide review notes, nursing videos and animations, sample course requirements, downloads, tips & trivia, and news & updates particularly useful for nursing students.

It is Ward Class' intention to reach out to as many student nurses as deemed possible and we hope that you will help us realize this goal. In humble anticipation, we hope that you will accord Ward Class the kind of support and encouragement you have given Pinoy R.N.

Update on the Certificate of Registration of June 2007 NLE Passers


As of May 2, 2008, those with license numbers 433667 to 449979 may claim their Certificate of Registration at the PRC office. Court of Appeals (June 2006) passers whose surnames start with "S" are advised to wait for further notice.

All other inquiries may be coursed through the PRC Registration Division at telephone number (02) 736-2248.

(Sent in by
Noelito, RN via E-mail. Thanks for the updates and Congratulations on passing the NCLEX-RN exam, Noel!)

Bill Lifting Visa Retrogression Filed



Today is labor day in the Philippines and filipino nurses, the best labor export of this nation of 90 million, have something to smile about despite the bleak employment outlook locally.

The Coalition to Improve Healthcare Staffing (CTIHS) made major breakthroughs this week in working to have the employment-based visa backlog (retrogression) lifted as two U.S. congressmen recently introduced HR 5924. Sponsored by Florida Rep. Robert Wexler and Wisconsin Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., the bill seeks to achieve the following according to CTIHS prime-mover, Hammond Law Group (HLG):

1. Lifting of retrogression for Schedule A workers. Any immigrant visa quotas or caps are waived for all visa applications filed for Shortage Occupations (Schedule A occupations: Physical Therapists and Registered Nurses), provided that the I-140 is filed prior to September 30, 2011.

2. 20,000 primary beneficiary quota. While there is no retrogression for Schedule A cases filed before September 30, 2011, Consulates may not approve more than 20,000 primary beneficiary visas in any one year. There is no quota for the immediate family members of such beneficiaries.

3. Expedited Review. The USCIS must review -- and approve or issue an RFE -- on all Schedule A I-140 cases within 30 days of receipt.

4. Grant Fee. All primary beneficiary nursing visas issued under this legislation must pay a fee of $1500. Katrina-effected and HPSA employers do not have to pay the fee.

5. Grant Program. These fees will fund a Grant program. Schools of nursing may draw on this fund based on their student populations. The fees are to be used to attract, train, and retain nursing faculty, purchase educational equipment, expand infrastructure, and attract students.

6. Liberalized US Citizenship for some Health Care workers. Time spent by US Permanent Resident Health acre workers in a developing country will not be held against them in their endeavors to become US citizens.

7. Obligation Attestation. Immigrant visa applicants must attest that they do not owe their country of residence or origin a financial obligation. An obligation is defined as financial assistance that the intending immigrant incurred to defray the costs of education in consideration for a commitment to continue to work in that county.

HLG points out that this bill has a very strong chance of passing this year considering Rep. Sensenbrenner's high-profile support. The Wisconsin 5th District congressman is said to be a hardliner when it comes to immigration issues.

Related Link:
Full Text of HR 5924:
Emergency Nursing Supply Relief Act

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