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Tentative Schedule of PNA-Accredited Seminars (January - June 2009)


The Committee of Continuing Education of the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) has released its tentative schedule of seminars for the first half of the year.

Nursing seminars scheduled for February of this year are as follows:

February 6 » Acute Stroke
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 Member
Php 350.00 Non-Member

February 13 » Blood Borne Pathogens
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 Member
Php 350.00 Non-Member

February 20 » Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
8:00 am - 12:00 nn
Registration Fee: Php 300.00 Member
Php 350.00 Non-Member

February 27 » Basic Infection Control
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration Fee: Php 600.00 Member
Php 650.00 Non-Member

The complete schedule of nursing seminars (January - June 2009) is available for download HERE. The file requires Adobe Reader to open which can be downloaded HERE.

The PNA advises anyone who wishes to attend these seminars to confirm at least one day before the announced dates as all schedules are subject to change without prior notice.

Further inquiries may be coursed through Mr. Nicole at telephone numbers (02) 400-4430 / 536-1888 / 521-0937. All fees are inclusive of certificates only. Venue for all seminars will be at the PNA Auditiorium at 1663 F.T. Benitez Street in Malate, Manila.

Nursing Could Be a 5-Year Course Beginning 2009


The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is planning on adopting a recommendation by the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) making Nursing a 5-year course by June this year.

In a 21-page recommendation submitted to the President last month, the PTFE proposed the adoption of a 5-year program for Nursing along with Architecture, Engineering, and Accounting courses. The PTFE stated that the move was needed to keep up with international standards and that it merely formalizes the prevailing situation since these four courses were already informally offered as five-year programs in the country.

The Commission has asked deans of colleges and universities around the country to submit their inputs on the matter b
y February 28. They plan to hold consultations by March or April.

Emmanuel Angeles, Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Vice Chair of the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) said that the change to a 5-year curriculum could be implemented as early as June this year.

Meanwhile, several sectors are questioning the wisdom of the proposed changes in the midst of the global economic slowdown saying that a longer program meant additional financial burden for parents. They say that changes such as this should be discussed in length with all parties concerned.

Nurse Licensure Examination Schedule for 2009


The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has set the date for the 2009 Nurse Licensure Examinations.

According to a document obtained by
Pinoy R.N., the bi-annual Nurse Licensure Examinations for this year are scheduled on the 7th and 8th of June (Sunday-Monday) and on the 28th and 29th of November (Saturday-Sunday) [CLICK HERE FOR THE UPDATED SCHEDULE]. Licensure exam schedule for other professionals are also posted.
Click here to enlarge the document

The deadline for the filing of applications in the June 2009 Nursing Board Exams is on April 17, 2009.

While Pinoy R.N. and Ward Class will be posting the November 2008 Nursing Board Exam Results online once it is made available by the Professional Regulation Commission-Board of Nursing, we will also be sending the NLE results via E-mail through a mailing list.

This is particularly useful to those who do not have constant internet access or those who can't visit this site regularly to check for updates.

If you want to be included in the November 2008 Nursing Board Exam Results Mailing List, simply submit your E-mail address below.

November 2008 Nursing Board Exam Results

Delivered by FeedBurner

Other relevant nursing updates will also be sent.

Meanwhile, Pinoy R.N. would like to take this opportunity to remind those waiting for the November 2008 Nursing Board Exam Results to download and install in advance copies of Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash Player in their PC as exam results will likely be published as PDF files while embedded versions will require flash.

Download Links:

POEA Now Accepting Applications for Japan Nursing Jobs Under JPEPA


Approximately a month after the controversial Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) took effect, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and the Japan International Corporation of Welfare Services (JICWELS) for the recruitment of Filipino nurses and caregivers to Japan.

Under the MoU signed Monday, the POEA will process applications through a special website and will endorse 200 nurses and 300 caregivers to JICWELS where they will undergo preliminary testing and interview for matching with Japanese employers.

Qualified candidates will then go through a medical examination as part of visa requirements. Fees for submission and authentication of documents, medical examination (Php1,500), and the visa fee (Php1,150) will be shouldered by the Filipino candidate. Airfare and on-site training costs will be paid for by the Japanese employer.

Once candidates arrive in Japan, they will undergo a six-month language and culture training while receiving a monthly allowance of approximately Php21,000 (40,000 Yen). Shortly thereafter, candidates will be working under the direct supervision of Japanese nurses until they pass the Japanese nurse licensure examination. A nurse candidate will have three chances to pass the Japanese nursing board exam in three years.

Filipino registered nurses with at least three years clinical experience are qualified to apply for the Nurse position. Fresh nursing graduates and registered nurses without hospital experience may apply for Caregiver positions.

Related Post:

NCSBN's Implements Paperless Verification of Nurse Licenses


The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) recently adopted a paperless system in verifying nurse licenses under the Nursys Licensure Verification Program (

Nursys Licensure Verification is often used by nurses who apply for licensure in another state. It allows them to verify their license(s) from a Nursys licensure participating state when applying for endorsement into another state.

The paperless Nursys system, which is completely online, is said to be more efficient, easier and quicker because the verification report is activated instantly and is accessible to all nursing boards in the U.S. and its territories for 90 days upon verification of payment which is processed through credit card.

Nursys Licensure Verification Participating States as of Jan. 1, 2009 include Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia - PN, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Nursing Council of New Zealand Now Requires Tougher English Scores


The Nursing Council of New Zealand recently made changes in their English language requirements.

All foreign nurses seeking employment in New Zealand even those from English-speaking countries like Britain and the United States are now required to pass a tougher English language assessment with the exception of applicants from Australia.

Under the new rule which took effect January 1, 2009, all foreign-educated nurse applicants, including Filipinos, must achieve a score of at least 7.0 in each band of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to qualify.

Related Article:

Guide in Applying for Nursing Employment in New Zealand

Pinoy R.N. Recap of Philippine Nursing in 2008


Last year, Pinoy R.N. published a year-end report summarizing the events that made waves in the world of filipino nurses here and abroad. In keeping with this Pinoy R.N. tradition, here are the nursing news that were in the headlines in 2008.

DoH and DoLE Seeks Measures to Abate Pinoy Nurse Migration

DoLE Announces the Hiring of Filipino Nurses for Canada
U.S. Visa Bulletin Reflects Significant Progress in Priority Dates
December 2007 Nurse Licensure Examinations Results Released

U.S. Visa Bulletin Reflects Yet Another Forward Movement in Priority Dates
Pinoy R.N. Undergoes Blog Upgrade; Showcases New Web 2.0 Features

U.S. Visa Bulletin Brings More Good News with Biggest Movement in Priority Dates
Texas Senator Files Bill Recapturing 61,000 Unused Nurse Visa

HR 5924 Filed in U.S. Congress; Seeks lifting of Nurse Visa Retrogression Among Others
Pinoy R.N. Launches Ward Class -- Online Resource for Student Nurses
CHED Revises Nursing Curriculum; Adds Two New Nursing Subjects
Fiscal Cap on Nurse Visa Nearly Reached; U.S. Visa Bulletin Reflects No Movement in Priority Dates
PRC Announces Change in Nursing Board Exam Schedule; December Exam Moved to November

June 2008 Nursing Board Exams Held
Fiscal Cap on Nurse Visa Exhausted; U.S. Visa Bulletin Shows EB3 Category Becoming Unavailable
Several Canadian Provinces Also Require Passing Grades in Special Nursing Retake

PNA Expresses Opposition to Proposed Practical Nursing Program
June 2008 Nurse Licensure Examinations Results Released

New Jersey Senator Files Bill Recapturing Unused Visas from 1992 to 2007
PGMA's Brother-in-Law Files Bill Requiring Mandatory 2-Yr Service for Nurses and Other Professionals

PNA Slams Hospitals for Collecting Training Fees from New Nurses
PRC-BoN Revises Scheme in Processing Applications to the Nurse Licensure Examination
Gov't Agencies Seek to Address Oversupply of Nurses

Philippine Senate Ratifies JPEPA
California Requires Disclosure of Convictions as Part of Licensure Renewal Requirement

NCLEX Statistics Reveal Philippines Still America's Number 1 Source for Foreign RNs
November 2008 Nursing Board Exams Records Highest Number of Examinees in History
Pinoy R.N. Conducts Most Comprehensive Coverage of November 2008 Nurse Licensure Examination
November 2008 Nursing Licensure Examinations Held

CIS Ombudsman Issues Recommendations in Improving the Processing of Nurse Visas

It was a good year for Pinoy R.N. and this blogger as 2008 saw the birth of Ward Class, a blog that seeks to bring relevant nursing information to future nurses. As Pinoy R.N. marks its 3rd year in the Philippine Blogosphere, here's to a fruitful and prosperous new year. Cheers, nurses!

Related Post:
Pinoy R.N. Recap of Philippine Nursing in 2007

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