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The Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Nursing has announced the tentative oathtaking schedule for new nurses who took the July 3-4, 2010 nursing board exam.

Those from the National Capital Region (NCR) will be taking their oath on September 20-21, 2010.

Oathtaking schedule for other areas will be announced later. Different board members have been assigned to separate areas for the oathtaking. Here's the draft assignments:

Gen. Santos, Roxas City, Davao - Hon. B.Merrit;
La Union, Laoag, Bohol - Hon. C.M. Abaquin;
Tacloban, Bacolod, Zamboanga - Hon. P.G. Po;
Pagadian, Tuguegarao - Hon. L.A. Faire;
Legaspi, Cagayan de Oro, Iloilo - Hon. A.B. Rosales;
Baguio, Pangasinan, Pampanga - Hon. Y. C. Arugay;
Cebu, Dumaguete, Lucena - Hon. M. A. C. Sto Tomas.

Tickets to the oathtaking ceremony will be available at PNA offices after the July 2010 nursing board exam results are officially released.

July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Result Advisory


Earlier this month, the PRC- Board of Nursing administered the July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination.

Considering the trend of previous nursing board exams, it is expected that the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results will be available sometime in August or September at the latest.

In light of the impending release of the July 2010 nursing board exam result, Pinoy R.N. would like to remind those who are waiting for the exam results to install Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash Player  on their desktops or laptops to facilitate easier access to the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results once it is made available by the Professional Regulation Commission- Board of Nursing.

Complete exam results will be posted here at Pinoy R.N. and at Ward Class.

To receive timely updates on the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam via e-mail, subscribe to our mailing list by submitting your e-mail address in the box provided below.

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ALLGEN's iPod Shuffle Giveaway


Apple, Inc. revolutionized the way we listen to music with the iPod series. Since its launch many years ago, the iPod has become the most coveted mp3 player in the market. If you've wanted your own iPod but never had the chance to get one for yourself, this could be your opportunity!
ALLGEN: The Intelligent Review is offering a FREE iPod Shuffle to a lucky NCLEX Reviewer this August!

The next batch of reviewers will begin the program on the 9th of August. On top of receiving all the benefits of ALLGEN's NCLEX Review Program, one of the 20 students will receive an iPod Shuffle. Can it get any better than that?

ALLGEN's Review Program has been proven to be one of the most effective in existence today. With a tried and tested method, plus unlimited access to online review materials, it is no wonder that ALLGEN students achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

To avail of this promo and for more information, get in touch with us at the following numbers:

(02) 567-2749/0641
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Don't miss out on this opportunity. Grab that phone now!


The visa bulletin for August 2010 released by the U.S. Department of State shows the cut-off date for Filipino Nurses at June 1, 2004. This is a major improvement considering that the July 2010 visa bulletin indicated a cut-off date of August 15, 2003.

The positive trend is expected to continue until October this year with cut-off dates expected to reach September 2004 as reported last month by Pinoy R.N.

In other news, the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is providing options for foreign-educated nurses who were affected by the recent social security number (SSN) requirement.

According to the Hammond Law Group, an immigration firm in the U.S., affected applicants may request the BRN to provide the NCLEX test results to another U.S. state (such as one that does not require a social security number). This option requires a $10 processing fee. If, however, an applicant needs the BRN to provide the NCLEX-RN test scores to ICHP (CGFNS) for the Visascreen, the BRN will be collecting a $60 filing fee.

You took the Nursing Board Exam last July 3-4, 2010.  Now that the nurse licensure examination is over, you can't wait to get your hands on the results.

You stress out thinking what the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results might bring.  Will it be good news or bad news?  You're always in a state of uneasiness and begin to doubt yourself thinking you didn't prepare well for the nursing  boards.

If you are having all these negative thoughts, then you should STOP right now.  The long wait for the exam results is agonizing in itself, don't give yourself additional stress by being pessimistic.  Worrying won't get you anywhere, nor will it make the Professional Regulation Commission-Board of Nursing release the  July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results sooner. So why sweat it?

The main task for you at this point is make use of the waiting period  to relax, do something productive, and plan ahead in your chosen career.  Here are a few things you can do to help you cope with the stress of waiting for the July 2010 Nurse Licensure Examination Results.

  • Go out with your friends.  You probably didn't have much time for your friends when you were reviewing for the nursing board exam.  Now is the time to go out with them to catch up on things.  Dining out, shopping,  going to the movies, or even traveling-- these activities will help you relax and keep your mind off stressful things.
  • Spend more time with your family.  One of the reasons why you are on tenterhooks while waiting for the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results is that you don't want to disappoint your family, especially your parents. Consider spending more time with them and if possible,  talk about your feelings regarding the  nursing boards. Being open and venting out your feelings to your family will help lessen your anxiety.
  • Use the internet to your best advantage.  No, I don't mean you google "July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results" everyday.  You can do all sorts of fun things online.  You may have been neglecting your social networking accounts when you were so busy studying so go ahead and  immerse yourself on Facebook, Plurk, or Twitter.  You can also choose to watch videos online or simply read about things that interest you. 
  • Engage in physical activity.  Exercise is one of the best ways to channel all your nervous energy.  You can hit the gym, jog, play badminton, or go hiking. Staying active will not only keep you in good shape, it will also do wonders for your emotional and mental well-being.
  • Collect information about career options.  Things don't end when you pass the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam.  Do you have immediate career plans? Are you considering employment as an entry-level nurse locally or abroad?  Do you want to take foreign nursing exams first like the NCLEX and CGFNS?  List down your options so you can slowly start furthering your career plans.  This way, you'll make use of the time spent waiting for the nursing board exam results productively.
  • Prepare your documents.  Preparing your documents like your Transcript of Records, diploma, birth records, and NBI and police clearances is one way of planning ahead.  Working on something and actually seeing results will give you a sense of fulfillment.  Being busy is always better than moping around.

There are certainly more ways to deal with stress while waiting for the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results.  So if you have stress-busting tips up your sleeve for the readers of this blog, drop us a line or two in the comments section.  We'd be delighted to hear from you.

For regular and reliable updates on the status of the July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results,  submit your e-mail address below:

July 2010 Nursing Board Exam Results and  Updates

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Top 3 Common Mistakes When Taking the NCLEX


Taking the NCLEX is not much different from taking any other kind of qualification exam. It may be tougher than other types of tests, but the bottom line is that it is a test, and whether you like it or not, you are bound to make some mistakes.

Awareness of the incorrect practices that are commonly engaged in by test takers will help you increase your chances of passing the NCLEX, though. As with most anything, knowledge and awareness will give you the chance to change your strategy as needed. Here are the 3 most common mistakes that are committed when taking tests.

1. Not practicing enough. Some test takers fall into the trap of merely reading and reading and reading some more. One important thing about taking tests is that you should actually do practice runs as much as you can. Nothing beats actually taking the test, but since you cannot take the NCLEX everyday, the next best thing is to do dry runs.

2. Not following directions. This is a no brainer, really. Instructions/directions are there for a reason, and every teacher/reviewer will always emphasize the importance of following them. Sad to say, many test takers still fail to follow instructions. If you do one thing when taking the NCLEX, make sure you understand the directions and that you follow them to a T.

3. Second-guessing your hunches. There are people who tend to over think, and more often than not, this results in incorrect answers. You are not expected to be 100 per cent sure of your answers in the NCLEX, but if you find yourself over thinking an item, go with your hunch.

Do you tend to make these mistakes? Take a step back and assess yourself. Knowing your weak spots might just help you jump this hurdle called the NCLEX.

Did you know?
ALLGEN NCLEX Review offers unlimited access to online materials, which include practice tests. These tests will be very helpful in preparing you for the actual test!

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

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