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CGFNS Increases Fees for VisaScreen™ and Other Services


The Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) anounced through its website the increase in the fees collected for different services offered. The table below summarizes major services offered by CGFNS and the corresponding price increase.

Click on the image to enlarge thumbnail.

Click here to see full schedule of fees effective May 1, 2006.

It has also announced policy changes for length of time applications may remain open, time limit for receipt of payment, and refunds.

Effective May 1, 2006, applicants applying for the CGFNS Certification Program, Credentials Evaluation Service and VisaScreen™ will be given 12 months to meet the requirements of each program. Orders for these three services that have not resulted in the rostering of an applicant to take the Qualifying Exam for the Certification Program, that have not resulted in the issuing of a Credentials Evaluation Service report, or that have not resulted in the issuing of a VisaScreen within 12 months of the application date will be closed.

Once an order is closed, an applicant can re-apply and pay a second year re-application fee. Re-application orders will remain open for 12 months starting from the date the re-application order is placed. A re-application order cannot be placed until the previous order has been closed.

In addition, CGFNS now requires payment in full within 60 days of application date. Applications received without a payment will be deleted if full payment is not received within 60 days of application date. The applicant will have to fill out a new application and submit the appropriate full price to place a new order.

Finally, CGFNS has instituted a "no refund" policy for its Certification Program, Credentials Evaluation Service and VisaScreen™. Individual consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis if a refund is necessary due to a CGFNS error.


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